Thursday, December 12, 2013

Meetings Friday December 13th

Meetings Friday December 13th

Board of Assessors  690 Patriots Rd  6:30 pm

BOS        690 Patriots Rd                  6:30 pm


  1. Templeton voters should be very concerned about voting for any candidate that does not have a Campaign song. Until Ms Brooks comes up with such a song Templeton voters should not take this Candidate seriously. Just my opinion. Vote Bob Mitchell for Selectmen, the Candidate with a campaign song.

  2. Does Mr. Mitchell's song have to do with being recalled? Yeah There is trust for you! Wonder which TOOL from the tool box you are Baldwin Templeton! Templeton is facing real problems, picking a candidate based on a song is absurd!

  3. Tina let me take away the guessing for you Baldwin templeton is Peter Farrell so it should make perfect sense Tina ... 911 fluoride songs these are what is important to the FF gang

  4. Oh sure attack the messenger. TinaMay and the truth it is clear your Candidate Ms. Brooks lacks good people who will support her by putting forth a good campaign song. Until a campaign song is delivered forthwith giving Templeton voters an idea on what your candidate is all about and where she stands on taxes and on the town's right to farm or what ever Ms. Brooks platform is, you should continue to hang your heads in shame. I would think with the new band uniforms something can be mustered from the music program at Narragansett. Remember municipal funds can not be used for ballot elections so volunteers may need to be used.

    1. The town of Templeton needs to be managed by people with the security of the people in mind. To run as a off shoot of the School Committee is not what this town needs as a selectman. After the two town meeting was held and things have gone the way the school wanted, is not the time to come across as a goody two shoes. Nice try but no cigar!! I did not hear this woman advocate the School Committe work with the town, not once when it could have counted. All of the money the school received, just what did it do for the children?? Not much, we just continue to pad the pay of the Administration. If you want to be on the School Committee, then run for it. Bev

  5. Puffy,
    Guess you weren't at the BOS meeting tonight. More bad news. Fill you in later. Stay tuned.

    Vote Mitchell for Selectman

    Remember the past to ensure a better future

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used

  6. oh now we're deleteing my comments???

  7. Oh I see my comment was deleted too. Funny now if we disagree with Julie we get censored. Naughty Naughty. Guess maybe there is some truth in that there has been some fraud going on in the town and no one wants to investigate it. I think it is time for the State to get involved this has gone on far too long. To think that the town's people can be cheated in such a way is unimaginable. Where did $505k go? Who was responsible for this money disappearing? How long has this been going on? And who is the one inputting the data into this program? Guess someone owes a lot of answers.

    Time for the town's people to be given the correct answers.

  8. crickets..........crickets.........crickets.............. the truth is the truth!!!! : )))
