Sunday, December 22, 2013

NRSD Data from DESE

NRSD Information

So riddle me this: student enrollment is in steady decline. So why are administrative costs per pupil significantly higher than the State average? 


  1. Right off the top of my head, school choice. When proper services for a child are not available locally, the town, at their expense must psy for some other school dept to provide those facilities. That's not exactly school choice but it is what happens as you pair down a school dept, which NRSD has been forced to do. School Choice, when the care givers of a child of the school district is transferred to another school district, like say Gardner, the school dept has to pay Gardner to take them. So when the school gets sufficiently crippled that parents elect to send their kids elsewhere the bill for that goes to the town.

    If you properly fund the school and provide the services other less fortunate districts can not provide, parents will want to send their kids there, parents from other school districts is will 'school choice' their kids to NRSD. NRSD will be a revenue generator. But no, you've chosen the other path and now it is a revenue sink.

  2. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $19,766,475 100.00% $12,318 $13,354 $18,581,433 100.00% $11,738 $13,636

    Last column is state

    2011 - $13,354

    2012 - $11,738 ( a drop of 4% over 2011)

    State avg $13,636 - (a 16% increase in per pupil expenditures over Templeton). Way to go Templeton!!! You're really putting money into your kids' futures.

  3. Huh!!! But remember here in Templeton the Money DOES NOT go to the kids or teachers. It goes to administration who are not helping matters.

    1. Talk to our School Committee about where the money goes. The operation of the school should be for the children, above all else. If the needs of any child in the Town of Templeton are not being taken care of there is something very wrong. Putting more people in the administration takes money away from the kids that need services. The people that voted to build a school did that so the children would have their needs met, and that should be the first priority. With the financial figures being as they are, the school needs to sharpen their pencil. The less people who stay in this town, the less kids there will be in our schools. Bev.

    2. What do you think happens, they just hand kids money???? No, if a child needs "services", they have to hire someone to provide those services.

    3. Once again, you got it wrong. On these overrides, the ones that actually do get passed, the first year that money goes to the school, subsequent years it goes elsewhere, probably the highway dept and Templeton W&L. So maybe you ought to ask the BOS where the money goes.

      Yeah Bev, maybe it will get to the point where you can just shut down the schools altogether, send the children of the 13 year old pregnant girls to Gardner or Winchendon. I have never, in my life, heard of 13 year old girls getting pregnant. Even down south, you have to be 14 to get married. If that's what parents in Templeton are OK with, I wouldn't want my kids among them. On a different note, NRSD is among the worst paid school districts in the state.
