Friday, December 6, 2013

Ritter selected as Sterling Town Administrator

 Ritter selected as Sterling Town Administrator

Harvard resident serves as Templeton Town Administrator
Christine Smith 

Jeffrey Ritter of Harvard, who has been town administrator in Templeton for the past year, has been chosen as Sterling's Town Administrator at the selectmen's Dec. 4 meeting.

He replaces Terri Ackerman, who will leave the position at the end of December.
Selectman chairman Ronald Furmaniuk, who chaired the meeting via a telephone call, and selectman Robert Cutler voted in favor of Ritter. Selectman Brian Patacchiola, who had nominated Carter Terenzini of Spencer, voted against the motion to appoint Ritter.

Prior to his position in Templeton, Ritter served as town administrator in Hatfield from 2010-2012 and as assistant town manager in Harvard from 2008-2010.

During the interview process, Ritter said that the town's financial stability and resources attracted him to Sterling. He said that the rewards would be in building the community and leaving the town in better condition than when he started.

Town officials will notify Ritter to begin contract negotiations, which selectmen said could begin Dec. 16.

Ackerman will officially leave office at the end of December but will remain on the payoll through early January because of accrued vacation time. She has offered to assist Ritter during the transition.


1 comment:

  1. The reality of our situation is we are a town with little money to keep a person with the knowledge of Mr. Ritter. Mr. Ritter stuck it out with us during a very bad time, as history will show. If he leaves, it will be a great loss for everyone in the Town of Templeton, but I am happy for him, and will always consider him a friend to myself and our town. He has been a strong person, who has shown his professional side when he was treated with abuse he did not deserve from our friends at Echo Hill. He came to Templeton, at one of the lowest points in our town's history, but he stayed and helped the town make some good changes that will remain. Should he leave, his foot prints will be extremely difficult for anyone to fill, but as I see things, we have been fortunate to have him as a member of our community, caring for it as though he lived here. Time will tell, and it will come out in the wash. Bev.
