Friday, December 6, 2013

Weekend! December 7 & 8 2013

December 7 & 8 2013

Saturday and Sunday from 8 am to 5 pm.
Be a shunpiker! Shop local.

Saturday and Sunday
American Legion Baldwinville

It’s a good weekend to buy a Christmas tree…before the freezing rain arrives!


  1. Bart and I are selling trees in Leominster as we have for many years. We have customers that have bought trees from Bart for over thirty years. As we are both getting along in years, we decided to plan ahead and have worked out a deal with Sholand Farm. Sholand Farm was the last operating apple farm in Leominster, and the city bought it years ago. It is run by a Board of Directors, and volunteers. We are going to sell trees at the farm for two years, and teach them how to run the business, from buying to setting up. At the end of the two years, we will give them all of our equipment, and they will have a turn key business, all ready established. They will also be able to sell their cider, apples and give the kids hay rides. When you buy a tree from us, the kids put the tree in the shaker, give the tree a fresh cut, bag it and put the tree on the car. A woman can come by herself and buy a tree. People appreciate the good service and we sell really good trees, so I guess that is why people keep coming back. By doing this deal with Sholand, it gives us some assurance that our customers will continue to get the same quality they always have expected and received. We are on Rt.12 South from Leominster Center, {like heading toward Sterling}, 345 Central Street, across from Leominster Storage Solutions. We are open from 9)A.M. every day, until 7:00P.M. If you are in the market for a big tree, we have a selection of trees 10:00 Ft. and up, as well small trees for someone in a apartment. Feel free to stop in and say hello, get a candy cane, and see our 6' singing bear. Bev.

  2. I'm out to do some shopping and then baking for the COA bake sale next weekend!

    Country Roads Christmas is a wonderful event! The roads don't look that bad!
