Friday, January 31, 2014

Assessment highlights key health issues for Templeton

Assessment highlights key health issues for Templeton

Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer
TEMPLETON — Templeton has a serious problem with heart disease, according to a Community Health Assessment recently released by Montachusett Public Health Network.

The report revealed the town has the highest age-adjusted cardiovascular mortality rate in the region at 360 deaths per 100,000 persons, outpacing surrounding towns and even the Commonwealth by a significant margain. The next highest rate was registered by the town of Sterling with 273, while the state as a whole sat at 200.

The assessment, which pulled data from 11 surrounding cities and towns, including Gardner, Fitchburg, Phillipston and Athol, provides information on everything from poverty rates to infectious disease prevalence and substance abuse.

The mortality rate data runs from 2008 to 2010 — providing an excellent base of data for communities and will go a long way towards helping identity key issues and areas for improvement, according to Susan Buckholz of the Montachusett Opportunity Council.

“One of the advantages of having this data, even with its limitations, is that it can inform communities about where they may want to take a closer look,” said Ms. Buckholz.

For Templeton’s Health Director Phil Leger, the data reinforces the need for community education about an active and healthy lifestyle.

“We’ve been working on a healthy weight initiative,” said Mr. Leger. “We’re trying to get people to be more active. There’s a lot of trails and federal and state lands right in people’s backyards.”

According to Mr. Leger, something as simple as a sidewalk or bike lane is all it takes to get people moving. He said the Baldwinville Rehabilitation project — funded with years of Community Development Block Grant money — created both a sidewalk and bike lane that is now widely used by residents.

“You can walk from Templeton Center to Baldwinville now,” Mr. Leger said. “Since that sidewalk has been in, people have been using it.”

The Board of Health also conducts ‘walk audits’ around town, visiting areas to see if they’re safe for pedestrians, ultimately identifying what the town can do to provide easier and safer access. The audits are part of the board’s preventative approach to public health, along with partnerships with Heywood and Athol hospitals.

While the new data is concerning, it will provide Mr. Leger with ample guidance for future prioritizing projects designed to keep residents healthy and living longer.

“We’re excited with this assessment because now we can go out and apply for grants and funding to work on key problems,” he said.

Previous assessments have spawned outreach programs across the region, including The Winchendon Project — which gave children and adolescence in the area access to mental health and substance abuse services. The prescription medication drop-off boxes scattered throughout police stations and hospitals were also the result of issues highlighted in past reports, as well as Heywood’s recently started suicide prevention project.

“It’s very encouraging to us to know that, in the past, these studies have caused communities to mobilize around an issue,” said Ms. Buckholz. “Initiatives, such as these, have had and continue to have a powerfully positive impact on the health of individuals living in this region.”

The Montachusett Public Health Network is based in Fitchburg and comprised of 11 interlocked communities throughout the region. The Community Health Assessment was created in collaboration with Heywood Hospital’s Joint Coalition on Health and is available for download on the network’s website.


    Fluoride is known as "The Devil's Poison" for many good reasons. The above link discusses fluoridation and its links to heart disease. According to William Marcus head toxicologist for the EPA fluoride is both carcinogenic and mutagenic. Templeton was the first community to put fluoride in their water in 1951, four years before the Military, Industrial ,Government experiments to show its efficacy were completed. Drink up Templeton and remember those other communities that lagged behind us putting fluoride in their water will soon be enjoying the same bad health as us!

  2. Baldwin Templeton.
    For some time now I have seen you attempt to point out the harmful effects of fluoride. I had known for years that it was an industrial by-product that there was no safe way of getting rid of. Like many, I had ignored the advice of the experts who stated the adverse health effects of consumption of fluoride. After all the dentist used it and the government encouraged its use. Ok so the government would not recommend anything harmful and is looking out for Americans health (that's never been the case). Then I read you go out on a limb and make an argument that it is linked to heart disease. Well people around town will never believe that. They think raising taxes and letting electric and water run unchecked are good things. You must be some kind of radical is what they say. You are a trouble maker and are stirring the pot up as you must have nothing better to do with your time.
    Well people of Templeton it happens to be true what Baldwin Templeton is stating. Look up the facts. Check out the numerous links before you dismiss these comments. Check out this link as well.
    Really check it out and form your own opinions. I don't expect a lot of people to do that. So Baldwin Templeton I at least thank you for the time you have taken and the effort you have put into this issue. I for one am looking into drilling a well and have started checking for a rate to have several done at the same time. This way we can get everyone a lower initial cost. We just have to watch out for the PCB's. We should not have to worry about that as the EPA has informed me that they are at safe levels. You know I don't believe that either.
    Thanks Again

  3. It's to bad we don't all research and draw our own opinions of the facts we see. Instead most or a majority brush off the warnings of an educated person like BT. I know he has better things to lie i do. I know he cares and has a "in Tempeltons best interests in mind" attitude. Facts like this study show me it's time to have people that are smart enough to look again and see the things that are put out to inform not put out to make a judgement of the individules that are doing the informing.Studies are our best tool over time to tell how to do things in the future. As told Tempelton has had the flouride longer and has the highest rates for the heart and cancer rates. Almost double would tell even the scepticks look again forget who pointed it out. Are the flouride supporters responsible for the the lack of people believing what we have been told before this study came about. "Start" to listen and learn more to form your own opinions,It will be from your own heart if you do, Not from the mob without one! Maybe these effects are desired and ok to the government. I'm sure the TMLWP commission would be glad to ignore and follow the General manager's advise and never remove flouride. Even if voted out would continue the use of flouride. Why!
    Whats "YOUR" opinion?
    Do "YOU" have your own yet?
    You owe it to your kids,grandkids and the kids they have.

  4. Correction: I know he has better things to do like i do.
