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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fire chief discusses impact of new cuts

Fire chief discusses impact of new cuts

Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Looking to the fiscal year ahead, Templeton’s Fire Department is preparing for impending  budget cuts. The department is one of several dealing with the aftermath of the town’s recently revealed budget woes.

A 2 percent cut is presently projected for the department’s budget, which was already slashed by 12 percent in 2013 — totaling a loss of 14 percent of funding over the last two years.

Fire Chief Raymond LaPorte said with less funding, the department might not be as responsive or effective as usual. However, despite the looming cuts, the chief emphasized that he is optimistic and has resolved to make the most of the funding received.

“With less money, we’ll be able to do less,” said Chief LaPorte. “Ultimately, we have to do the best with what we’re given.”

Although some department heads might see themselves as competing for money, Chief LaPorte said he envisions the town as a team, and stressed the need for local officials to work together.

“We’re all one town, and what’s best for the town is best for the fire department,” he said.

Chief LaPorte said he recognizes the town is going through some tough economic times, and where some department heads are chafing under the Board of Selectmen’s leadership, he is giving them a vote of full confidence.

“We have a good leadership team in there,” he said. “I would support whatever decision the select board reached.”

Chief LaPorte took up the position in October 2012 after the previous chief, Thomas Smith, accepted a post in Winchendon.


  1. Chief LaPorte is doing a super job for the people of Templeton. He is a positive person who will find a way to get his job done even though the financial conditions are not the best. He is what the Fire Department has needed for a good long time, a leader who watches out for his men, and the people in this town. His goal is to get the Templeton Rescue to a place that will not require the town be dependent on Woods or any other outside department, when a person requires a higher level of help, instead they will be in a position to do this themselves. This will bring the money they miss out on now, to the town, along with a higher level of care. Bev..

    1. & in order for him to do his job, funds Are needed, not more cuts...

    2. so bev what you just said is tom simth did a bad job shame one you !!!you should watch your words,,,bev dont even start with the fire dept you have no clue what these guys been tru the last decade ..taking pay cuts for you people training for free for you people ...dont get me going !!!!!

    3. You can get going as long and as far as you please. Did I say Tom Smith did a bad job??? Not as far as I can remember, or see if you reread my comment, and besides that I did not refer to any bunch of guys but the ones there are on the job now. I was talking about Chief LaPorte, as that was the topic of discussion. I do think he is doing a good job as I have not heard any complaints. If the present department can pay their own way, I would hope their budget will not get cut, but seeing I am not a selectman, it is not up to me. So Mike C, I do hope that explains my support for the men on the fire department. Bev.

    4. I do not want to forget the good women who are doing their share on the department right along side the men. Thank you for the job you are doing. It is important to have a woman's touch along side the men's. Bev.

    5. but Beeevvv, we have already been told by selectmen that they have nothing to do with budgets, its all on the voters. So you do decide who gets cut.

    6. "He is what the Fire Department has needed for a good long time, a leader who watches out for his men, and the people in this town. " bev to me that comment you just said there is everybody before him didnt do a good job!!!!

    7. Sorry you misunderstood me, as far as I am concerned, anyone who will go into a burning building is a hero in my book. In town government most people are there to do their best. Unfortunately some take advantage but those are a minority. Bev.
