Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 6, 2014 BOS Meeting… & the movie

January 6, 2014 BOS Meeting…
& the movie

Part 1 of 4 January 6, 2014 Templeton BOS Meeting

Part 2 of 4 January 6, 2014 Templeton BOS Meeting

Part 3 of 4 January 6, 2014 Templeton BOS Meeting

Part 4 of 4 January 6, 2014 Templeton BOS Meeting

Minutes from 12/30/13 were approved.

Selectman Kenn Robinson was appointed to the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee.

Job Description Town Administrator
Two sample job descriptions were discussed. The BOS will vote to adopt one on Monday January 13th. The job description for Town administrator will include personnel and budget responsibilities.

Interim Town Coordinator –
Candidates will be presented to the BOS shortly to fill the Interim Town Coordinator position on a part-time basis until June 30, 2014.

BOS Policies and Procedures-
With some minor changes and additions:
remote participation;
filling vacancies;
agenda procedures; and executive session, it is anticipated that the BOS will vote to adopt the BOS Policies and Procedures.

Gift Agreement Edgewood Development –
The BOS decided to hold Edgewood Development to their contract with the Town. $37,500 in money or services is owed to the Town of Templeton. The $37,500 question is how to secure the funding and where the funding should go. The consensus of the BOS was that this money should go to the Common Improvement Committee for an engineered design of the Common. Once an engineered design for the Common is complete, then the process of securing grants for the Common Improvement can begin.

Cook Pond Estates  - Taking of Roads
After much discussion and review of Templeton’s legal counsel, the board members present (Mr. Robinson recused himself) voted to accept the roads in deed and exclude the rounding easements.

FY 15 Budget Recommendations –
After a lengthy (1 hour long) presentation by the Advisory board, some recommendations were made on the FY 15 budget. The BOS took the information under advisement.

There will many future discussions on how to proceed to fill the budget shortfall for FY 14 and create a budget for FY 15.

Selectman Comments-
Chairman Bennett gave a good summary on what occurred to create the $505,000 shortfall for FY 14. (See part 4 of the video)

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Down hear on the lower forty we are all hoping for good whether on Monday so we can get to the high school and vote. Winter can be a depressing time for my dog but that campaign song for Mr. Mitchell keeps his tail wagging. Good luck to both candidates and thanks for taking the time to help this town. Been a while since we had a cold snap like that last one.

  2. Hello Lowerforty40

    The election is on TUESDAY at the high school gym. There should be people there to direct you to parking. Remember…TUESDAY from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.

    1. How ever did anyone ever find their way to vote before these CERT heroes?

    2. Do not underestimate the help these people provide, especially during a election. Having the polling place at the school poses problems when they have games going on and parents pick up their children after school..The first year we voted in the new high school gym, people did not know where to go, and people with disabilities had a real problem if they did not park in the lower lot. So for your information, Skiddy these people are welcome to help out any day. Bev.

  3. VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for BOS for a better future in Templeton
