Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Deja vu

Deja vu!  All over again

Please read:

Town of Somerset

Review of the Treasurer’s and the Tax Collector’s Offices
Division of Local Services / Technical Assistance Section

The similarities between Templeton and Somerset are striking.


  1. From that DOR report:

    "In the attached report, we have made a series to recommendations for both the tax collector’s and the treasurer’s offices on current operations and proposed some changes going forward. Chief among them is the reconsideration to combine and appoint the treasurer’s and tax collector’s positions. The complexity of municipal government requires treasurers and collectors with professional experience and training."

    The Advisory Board has recommended that the BOS consider a combined Treasurer/Collector position, similar to many other towns. It is not necessarily a cost savings. The combined Treasurer/Collector position should be at a salary that would attract competent candidates.

    1. I don't think that will happen due to the fact that there are too many folks that think 20 bucks per hour is big time pay. Think about it, if we had paid Jeff Ritter a decent salary, he'd still be here.
      I recall the old adage: "you get what you pay for"

    2. Klackity, I agree with you 100%, but the town still needs to have the money in order to pay a person. When Mr. Ritter got a pay increase, there was much complaining in the ranks about the fact he got a increase, and other people didn't. I felt when Mr. Ritter left, we should have fought to keep him because we will end up paying someone with less knowledge of our situation, more money in the end. I think for Mr. Ritter, having a job in a saner environment was the better move for him to make. Most people are not aware of the abuse Mr. Ritter took from our friends at Echo Hill, who were members of the BOS, at that time. He was not the only person who was the brunt of their actions. As a matter of fact, that was the reason we lost a top notch treasurer, who would have been a asset to our town if she had stayed. Once the town makes the changes that need to be made, the BOS had better make sure the people in those positions are qualified for the job. We continue to be burned by a few of the people who were given positions by the past administration, regardless of the fact they had few qualifications for the position. We are no longer having a building boom, so I am sure there are departments that can be pared back without creating a bigger crisis than we have now. Bev.
