Wednesday, March 12, 2014

FY13 books still open, state intervention feasible

FY13 books still open, state intervention feasible

Treasurer dismissed, accountant resigns
Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Templeton’s already challenging financial situation could soon become even more dire as, according to several members of the Board of Selectmen, the town has been threatened by the Department of Revenue with receivership.

With the DOR’s  March 15 deadline looming and both the Fiscal Year 2013 books and the town’s Schedule A forms incomplete, it is looking increasingly unlikely the town will be receiving it’s March state aid payment – an amount that could total over $100,000.

Should the books remain open and Schedule A still be incomplete by March 31, the DOR will suspend all state aid payments and take over the financial operations of the town.

“If, by March 31, the books are still not closed, the DOR will submit special legislation for the town to operate in a deficit,” explained Board of Selectmen member Diane Haley Brooks. “They will bring in a control board who will decide what happens.”

Vice Chairman Kenn Robinson confirmed the likelihood of this outcome during Monday night’s meeting when he expressed frustration at the board’s unwillingness to discuss the issue and instead focus on what he considers less pressing matters – such as an investigation into the Light and Water Department’s borrowing history.

“I would have thought that when the DOR threatened us with receivership, when we got notice of that, it would have been on the agenda,” he said. “That at the end of this month they’re going to pursue special legislation so this board doesn’t have any power and the state will run it.”

Interim Town Administrator Bob Markel explained that the town’s accountant, Fred Aponte, and forensic accountant Matt Angel, were working hard to close out the FY13 books and that they should be done soon.

“I know that message was conveyed to the board 10 days ago, but in talking with Deb (Wagner), Fred, and Matt Angel – they really are close,” Mr. Markel said. “It’s not absolutely out of the question that we can’t get Schedule A done, But there is a fair amount of pessimism today.”

When reached out to for comment, Daniel Bertrand of the DOR’s Boston office said the department is committed to providing assistance and guidance to Templeton, and denied talks of receivership.

Compounding on the town’s financial woes, it was announced during Monday’s meeting that Mr. Aponte had resigned, effective at the end of the month. The decision comes just a week after the dismissal of the town’s former treasurer Dan Keeney.

The board currently does not have any plans in place to replace Mr. Aponte.


  1. This matter should have been the first item on last Monday's agenda. The towns people are owed answers. What is taking so long? Are all the departments paperwork in and correct? Why can't this processed be completed? I think that the BOS owes us answers. The BOS is doing NOTHING to help this town out all they worry about is the DAMN LIGHT AND WATER PLANT there is more to this town than just that. Maybe our BOS are so stupid that they can't figure out what a priority is! I will vote for any two individuals before I even think about Jeff Bennett, he needs to go and take Julie with him. If this town goes into receivership those are the two individuals that the town can blame, they have ignored any question in regards to closing out the books. Makes ya wonder? what are they hiding? Do we have some funds missing? I guess we shall see what happens at the first of April.

  2. Oh , You ARE Dumb enough to fall for it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. does anybody know who the candidates for selectman will be for the upcoming election in May
    aside from Jeff Bennett?? was wondering if anyone has pulled papers yet at the town office.. the deadline is coming
    up fast...
