Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 10, 2014 BOS Meeting and… The movie

March 10, 2014 BOS Meeting and…
The movie

Part 1 of the March 10, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the March 10, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 3 of the March 10, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 4 of the March 10, 2014 BOS Meeting

The Board opened the meeting with the pledge and approved the minutes.  One resident spoke at length about the budget recap sheet during public comments.

The agenda item to discuss the Capital Plan & project recommendations was postponed. There was a brief discussion about trust funds and the process of contacting the Attorney General’s office for a change in use of a trust fund once its purpose is outlived.

The superintendent of schools discussed four items at length the warrant articles for the STM; the contract for the designer for the elementary school; the amount of money remaining for the feasibility study; and the biomass boiler.

After discussion, the contract for the designer was approved. There was discussion about the amount of money remaining form the original $550,000 for feasibility and schematic design for the Templeton Elementary School. The superintendent produced a document from the OPM, which indicated the amount left at $313,000. Other estimates were $220,000, but unconfirmed by the town.

The OPM for the boiler appeared before the selectmen to discuss the biomass boiler project for high school/ middle school. Questions asked:

Where will you get the wood chips?... Landscapers in the area. Info from chairman – MWCC pays $58/ton for wood chips. Athol pays $68/ton. The ash is used as fertilizer in some places. The monitoring wells in back of the middle school should not be impacted by the new construction.

The biomass information distributed at a prior BOS meeting was inaccurate. The biomass project in not a $2.3 million dollar project, but a $3.5 million dollar. Where will the school dept. obtain propane for
$1.4 /gallon?

What happens if the cost assumptions for this project do not work out as planned? Who pays the debt for this project? Response – Do you think the price of heating oil will drop?

There is an informational meeting tonight in the KIVA regarding the biomass project.

STM Warrant Articles and Meeting –

The articles for the STM warrant were discussed. New information from the DOR regarding a vote at the ATM necessitated the opening of the warrant so that an article to correct a vote could be added. There should be 9 articles on the warrant. There will be an emergency meeting tonight (3/12) to vote and sign the warrant. The STM warrant will then be posted.

The order of the warrant articles was discussed at length.  The BOS voted to keep the order of the articles, with the town financial articles first.

DOR update –
After the meeting with Deb Wagner from the DOR some new information is available. Adjustments to the $505,000 shortfall can be made in the town’s favor - $127,000. FY 13 is still not closed out. The March 14th deadline for submitting Schedule A is not looking good. Templeton’s part-time accountant has submitted his resignation as of March 28th.

Holly Young has been appointed Tax Title Custodian to pursue processing the 5 foreclosed properties in Templeton – not to include 252 Baldwinville Rd.

During discussion of the merits of contacting the Inspector General’s office regarding the borrowing and financing of the wind turbine, the former general manager, Sean Hamilton made an impassioned plea regarding the sanctity of C. 164.  The taxpayers of Templeton can rest assured that there is no liability on the town. Any liability rests on the ratepayers. In other good news, current general manager John Driscoll stated the Light department had an abysmal year. Therefore the town should not expect much in the way of a PILOT payment.

Town Hall Meetings were discussed. The NRSD will host three meetings. One on the TESB project was held on 3/1/14. There will be an informational meeting regarding the biomass project on 3/12/14. The BOS will host an informational meeting on March 20th. There will be an additional meeting on March 22nd.

The Personnel Policy discussion was postponed.

While discussion at this meeting was a bit contentious at times, it was certainly not as bad as some prior BOS meetings.

February 16, 2012 BOS Meeting

April 12, 2012  BOS Meeting

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. mrs. Farrell you forgot to add the part when john driscoll referred to how much you have cost the town in legal fees.....So it is fair to say you personally over your time in templeton have cost the town hundred's of thousands of dollars. Lawyers are not cheap

  2. I realize it was an honest mistake..good thing you got the truth to proof read for charge for you jules

  3. Don't kid yourself truth or anyone else. Fact is if the things were done correctly at TMLWP the need for a lawyer at 375$ per hour would not be needed. When the lawyer has no intention of doing the work he hires another lawyer and a call becomes even more as we wind up paying for 2 lawyers. As other things Driscoll does all have the highest cost of any other things done in town for similar needs. He has the lawyer of the day at his disposal for free and has never used them. Ever think why?

  4. Not kidding myself For transparency sake mrs. Farrell should include this information. Not just what she wants people to know.. Because then her message becomes propaganda rather than opinions supported by facts ..

  5. Don't forget truth is wicked smart!!!
