Sunday, March 9, 2014

Meetings …3/10/14 – 3/14/14

Meetings …3/10/14 – 3/14/14

Monday 3/10/14

BOS                                   690 Patriots Rd.              6:30 pm

Tuesday 3/11/14

TMLWP Water              Bridge St.                     6:00 pm
TMLWP Light               Bridge St.                     6:30 pm

Planning Board              690 Patriots Rd.              6:30 pm

Elementary School      Central Office                     6:30 pm

Historical Comm.         Boynton PL                     7:00 pm

Wednesday 3/12/14

MPO                            Fitchburg                     1:00 pm

Housing Authority       Bridge St                     4:00 pm

Adv. Board                     690 Patriots Rd.              6:30 pm

Thursday 3/13/14

Cemetery & Parks              690 Patriots Rd.               6:30 pm


  1. What a joke! Great job keeping control of your own meeting Jeff. Its time to vote in someone who will show/bring some respect. Stop the speaking out of turn, insults, & yelling out. We need new leadership. Our current has lost control.

    1. Everyone who takes the time to come to town meeting to shear , should be allowed to speak . The selectman/ chair person as a moderator job is to allow that , jeff B did this , Chair must be impartial and fair under, " town times meeting rules " its not about personality those making such presentments should stop The present elected citizen did not create this nightmare but, they can resolve it . I would not count out the chair or the board for working a resolve out but we the town should instruct a direction and it should be on town side not the property owners side which is more or less should be protected those who are in there homes live there lives not for town duties or advancement though credits system bracken back to tax on properties
      however done > it should not come upon the property owners , The town must close and sell off many things we do not need as well as employment of people under the town , only the fair necessity can be save with the IN keeping there must be out keeping the town is" bankrupt " in word , as the whole system base in credit ,and this board is spending such please stop . unless you are going to pay the debt ??? going after properties taxes making 2 1/2 override time and time again will not fix this , The town must realize this and save its people not the town ,best the town file bankruptcy and let judge control the matter , The selectmen must cut town jobs as well as privatizing many operations if not all departments . Keeping bare bones only , other wise people will lose there homes to the marching debt of 2 1/2 overrides a creation of debt by the board who spends and makes debts , credits before any secured payments that is reason why Templeton bankrupt and record keeping could used a new system with sharp pencil ??? you must live in your means not beyond it . so simple .. is the truth .. forget the school the plans and start making good decision base on saving not credit ...

  2. Oh Huff aint that the truth. Jeff has no respect for the towns people he only does what King Jeff wants and has Julie as his puppet. It is time for change in Templeton with new BOS members that is why I will continue to back Diane Haley-Brooks and John Columbus. Jeffy can go home and pout for all i care.
