Friday, March 28, 2014


MARCH 29, 2014

ARTICLE 1 Due to a lack of accurate data during the budget process, the budget for Fiscal 2014 (July 1, 2013 June 30, 2014), adopted at the May 14, 2013 Annual Town Meeting, is short by $505,000. This article would appropriate $505,000 in additional property taxes to fund the budget shortfall. The additional taxes would be raised through a General Override of M.G.L, Ch. 59 § 21C, known as Proposition 2 1⁄2. A positive vote at the Town Meeting to override the tax cap must be confirmed by the voters of the Town in an election. 

Massachusetts law requires every city and town to have a balanced budget. A balanced budget must be certified by the Commonwealth Department of Revenue before tax bills can be sent out. If the budget gap in the current year cannot be closed and a balanced budget certified by the DOR, the Town will be unable to collect taxes and will continue to provide municipal services using borrowed money. 

If the Town does not approve a General Override to cover the budget deficit, Articles 2, 3 and 4 on this Warrant must be utilized to fill the gap with one-time revenues such as Free Cash and the StabilizationFund. One time revenues will be supplemented with severe reductions in departmental budgets and major cuts in services to the residents. 

The Town has a “structural” or permanent deficit. The amount of recurring revenue from property taxes, fees and state aid is consistently less than the amount required to support the operating budget. The Town has used non-recurring or one time revenues, mainly Free Cash, to cover the gap for nearly 10 years. This is considered an unsound fiscal practice and is often associated with financial crisis. It worked in fiscal years 2007-10 when free cash averaged nearly $700,000 per year. Last year, however, Free Cash was certified at only $100,000, and it is in short supply in the current year. 

If required to balance the FY’14 budget with one time revenues, the Town’s structural deficit will persist, and there will be another budget shortfall in FY’15. The real solution to the budget crisis is for the Town to approve additional revenues.


ARTICLE 2 This article would permit the Board of Selectmen to propose spending cuts to the Fiscal 2014 General Fund budget and to the Firefighters/EMT budget to offset the revenue shortfall of $505,000. Impact Statements

ARTICLE 3 This article would permit the Town to transfer funds from free cash or any other source to fund part of the shortfall in the Fiscal 2014 operating budget.

ARTICLE 4 This article would permit the Town to transfer funds from the Stabilization Fund to fund part of the shortfall in the Fiscal 2014 operating budget. The main Stabilization Funds contains $103,000. A 2/3rds vote of the Town Meeting is required to transfer monies out of Stabilization.  

ARTICLE 5 This article requests Town approval of the Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollar ($3,500,000) borrowing, previously authorized by vote of the Narragansett Regional School District on March 5, 2014. The $3.5 million borrowing would pay the cost of: 1) replacing the existing oil-fired boilers serving the High and Middle Schools with a woodchip-fired boiler, to be located in the existing boiler room; 2) construction of a woodchip storage facility to be located adjacent to the boiler room; and 3) all other costs incidental and related to the project. 

ARTICLE 6 This article requests that the Town appropriate the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for the purpose of paying costs of the Schematic Design portion of the Feasibility Study for the Templeton Elementary School, located off Route 202, King Philips Trail, known as Crow's Hill, identified as Town Assessor identification no. 2-7-40 and described in the deed recorded at the Worcester County Registry of Deeds in Book 1600, Page 313. 

This includes the payment of all costs incidental or related to the project and for which the Town may be eligible for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), which would be expended under the direction of Templeton Elementary School Building Committee. To meet this appropriation, the Templeton Board of Selectmen, would be authorized to borrow $500,000 under M.G.L. Chapter 44, or pursuant to any other enabling authority.

The MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA. Any costs the Town incurs in excess of any grant approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the Town. The requested appropriation will be subject to and contingent upon an affirmative vote of the Town to exempt the amounts required for the payment of interest and principal on the borrowing from the limitations on taxes imposed by M.G.L., Ch. 59 § 21C (Proposition 21⁄2), and that the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Feasibility Study Agreement that may be executed between the Town and the MSBA.


ARTICLE 7 This article would grant approval to the Fire/Ems Department to use $57,000 from receipts reserved for appropriation to fund the first year of a 5 year lease/purchase of an equipped ambulance for the Fire Department. No tax dollars would be involved. “Receipts reserved for appropriation” is an account outside the General Fund to collect fees from ambulance services. 


ARTICLE 8 This article would consolidate the Treasurer’s Office and the Collector’s Office to create a Treasurer/Collector position and an Assistant Treasurer/Collector. The article is sponsored by the Advisory Board and would align the Town with the majority of communities in Massachusetts that have combined Treasurer/Collectors. The consolidation would provide better coordination of these closely related municipal services and some modest cost savings in the future. 

ARTICLE 9 This article asks the Town to reaffirm votes taken under Articles 23 and 24 of the May 14, 2013 Annual Town Meeting transferring a total of $170,000 from retained earnings in the Sewer Department Enterprise Fund to pay for costs associated with the Town’s application for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Revolving Fund loan, necessary for the abandonment of the wastewater treatment lagoon, and to pay for the purchase of a used sludge hauling truck.

The re-vote is necessary because the Town may only use or transfer “retained earnings” in the Sewer Enterprise Fund after the total amount in the Fund has been certified by the MA Department of Revenue. Town Meeting transferred monies from the retained earnings account on May 14, but DOR certification was not granted until June 19.



Please attend the
 Special Town Meeting
March 29, 2014 @ 10:00 am







  1. Regarding the $505,000 short fall...I'm a little confused I thought I read on this blog that a representative from the DOR came in and reviewed the books and found the actual short fall was only $320,000? if that is the case why is the Select Board still requesting a override for the $505,000??

    1. The money that the DOR found would indeed be applied to this years deficit, however, we would still be carrying a structural deficit of $505,000 into next year if we didn't vote for an override. If a smaller override passes (say the $320,000) then we would have taken care of this year, however, we would still have a structural deficit for next year of $ 185,000 and that would require either additional cuts or another override to make up that difference. On top of that, for next year, the school is increasing our assessment by $145,000, insurance costs are going up, both of which will wipe out any additional money from our FY15 tax levy.

    2. Anybody work out an average cost per property owner on this yet?

  2. Curious, what happens if we vote no on 1,2,3,& 4?

  3. vote no on every thing that has to do with raising taxes .

  4. Huff you know very well what will happen if we vote NO on the first (4) articles...the town of Templeton will go into State Receivership and the State will appoint their own board to govern the township..that could be both good and bad for the residents of Templeton...problem is you will not know what the bad is until they take over... the State could raise our tax rate thru the roof and there will be nothing we can do about it except sell our homes and get the hell outta town!

  5. meeting is this Saturday the 29th @10:00 AM in the Middle School Auditorium correct?

  6. We are screwed either way we go. If the state comes in and raises taxes, as will need to be done to get us through FY14, they will also have the expertise to go through all the books and get them set up CORRECTLY. We have the worse accounting personnel around. I am tired of the excuse its the program. Its the accountant who didn't have the balls enough early on to figure out he couldn't use the program, and instead of proposing to the BOS that maybe buying a new program that would cost way way way less than a $505k deficet he kept bungling everythin.

    So it is my opinion that yes we let the State get this town back on the right road and hopefully by the time they are out of our hair we will have some individuals who will run the town properly and not through their personal agendas.


  7. I've actually heard a person state out loud that he wished the state would take over Templeton's finances at a public meeting. By the lack of outrage it cause, it was obvious that this statement was more acceptable than any questions about the budget of the NRSD at a budget sub-committee hearing. Some people have different priorities.

    A state takeover of Templeton's finances would amount to taxation without representation, a very sad condition for any Massachusetts town. I would certinaly hope that the state will work with Templeton, no matter which way the Prop. 2 1/2 override vote goes. We don't need to go into receivership, we can retain our fiscal autonomy. Keep Calm and Carry On, as the posters say.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The State and Federal Government sat back and watched the deteriorating situation in Templeton develop. In 2009 red flags were raised that our fiscal situation was less than perfect when one department refused to sign the recap sheet. The State also sat by as Erving Paper Mills and K&P lawfirm took the town to the cleaners in the WWTP contract deal. The government and the big corporations that have hopped in bed with the government are the problem not the solution. Looking to some of the people who helped create our problem seems counter-intuitive.

  9. The same state that brought us Romneycare, Deval Patrick and the EBT Debacle, missing foster children, and murderers that get sex changes. Yeah, I want these idiots running the town. I'm sorry to say it but I think in it's in our own best interest to keep them out of our affairs. I didn't have any skin in the fight in 2009 but now I own property here so I have to deal with what you morons let happen and work overtime to pay my property taxes. Good job, people.

    1. It is time for all of you to stop blaming present Board members, for the financial mess this town is in. In a way, it is our fault for not asking questions that should have been asked all along. The "financial undoing of Templeton" has happened in front of the eyes of every person who has lived in this town. The blame, if that is what you wish to call it, goes to every person who did not bother to attend a Town Meeting, the people who have had seats on the Advisory Board going back to at least 1980, and anyone who did not stop to ask how a town was going to run without any income !! All of these people share a piece of the blame for where we are, today. I welcome the "school people" to finally decide to become a member of the community. How many years did I watch people with a single article get up and leave after "they" got what they wanted, leaving the rest of us to deal with the rest of the warrant. We are now left to clean up a single person's dirty laundry, but then again we have been enablers all of these years., haven't we !! The saddest part of this story is there will be many innocent people left as this town tries to right the ship that has run aground. As for the people who claim to clean up the mess, buyer beware !! After the milk has spilled and run down the drain, it is useless for the same people to offer to clean up the mess, when they contributed to it by pouring the milk into a pail with a hole in it. All of this will come out in the wash, eventually and I do hope it is soon, so the town I love can begin to thrive. Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. SNBI it's important you hear us out on the past practice that put us in the boat we're now in. The facts are all spelled out here by many who wish to only fix Templetons problem of money shortfalls. The bank account has been getting lower year after year and now empty compared to 10 years ago. Many people on this blog and some not here have said for years we are living beyond our means. One now would have to say that we have been correct and when the previous select boards brought their budgets to town meetings they boasted no raised taxes for the town and took money from the accts and did what they wanted how they wanted. Overlooked and no one questioned the improper things done. Intimidation is a word you could use to explain why. One only would need to look at the old meetings and see the way other selectmen act. That is one of the reasons i have involved myself in the town affairs after my uncle started this blog it gave the town a medium to connect to the voters and hear the opinions of others interested in how to better the town and run the finances correctly. Tomorrow you will here from the former leaders and they will try to discredit the ones now in office for the mess we have now. You have to look back to clearly see the true problems we face. The tax rate being to low for to long and the old boards unwilling to raise taxes. Only reason was to stay in office and keep manipulating Templetons finances,cover up what had been done and also keep eyes out of the old accountants doings. Things were not always as they looked and when the select boards changed over the years things got a bit clearer. Now with people now checking out what was being done and how it was being done things are going to be told to keep it from happening again. Sorry to say we need to look back to insure what we have in the future will be what we make it and keep it how we want it. It could be said the people who put us in this position wanted to and when they crossed the line and went to far people took action to point out what they found. This will continue and will have more and more issues brought forth as time goes on. Improper use of funds,transfers and other issues will be interesting things to point out that previous leaders were in control of. One only has to look at the 2009-DOR report and see the path to find major reasons things were overlooked and done when ever they wanted. Our leaders now are only guilty of one thing and thats looking out for the taxpayers interests. Try to only ask for what is needed and fell short of the proper amount when we were asked to fix out checkbook. We need to fix the towns checkbook and find the means to keep it in balance without holding the fixed incomers hostage to the problems created by the past boards inability to ask for more when they should have. That is where the fault in this mess should be focused and never allow them back in office to ruin the town if we fix the mess we find we're in now. Information in the future will prove the points i make. Those who have wronged this town will not get away with it,many will see to it as we are committed and have the conviction to follow through and with the facts uncovered will put Templeton back on the right track. Many will say and do what they are told to write and say for the only reason of missinforming and deflection from the issues and should be ashamed for the follow the leader games they play with the people in Templeton.
    One only has to read the letters to the editors filled with outright lies and missinformation to get the voters to follow their way and further criple our town. Don't fall to their manipulation tacktics your smarter than that.
    The most important thing tomorrow is to support our town together in a way that betters our future. The town has little to look forward to now without it.
    "Citizens 4 Templeton" are inspired to participate!
    Be a citizen and go to the meeting tomorrow vote and know what needs to happen to help our town.

    Thank you Templeton voters for your participation.

  11. Thanks, Dave. Can always count on you for a reasonable and level headed response.

  12. Indenture servitude is not an inspired principle nor is it reasonable live entry ,it is matter to which to revoke repeal and fight . founders echo To arms TOO ARMS ... The truth is manipulation though legalism is common place in a "Town Gone Wild " Town is not which i Live They continue mean while the attack over and over and over feathering there nest there retirements there employments and so called services This manipulation , should bring out the patriot order in anyone who understand what is going on here . The purpose dream weaver of 3 1/2 million dollar loan for the school for system admitted too being old ( as the chips are winterize in ice ) so are the details even the options are . All this shows in a continuum of the policy that YOU the property OWNER are in ... There game too resolve only comes too enslave you as YOU are cash source too the ever deepen well to which elected comes too dip For the WILL of the town and its employed its services . The truth, under evidence though " Reason" and principle has escape the mind and twisted are the facts presented ( keeping property owner YOU there source paying them for every need ) they feel entitle too Hey you...... Inhabitable, is measure which tips one way or the other ON can only be twisted to NO
    its too bad we can't send humans into space right now I guess they can't afford it cause there few i like to see launch !!!!

  13. The truth is as it was told at the meeting.We have said the same thing time and time again but who says it makes all the difference in the world. I thank Bob our new interim administrator for his help to get the word out in a way people can understand. Most would agree with him. As i watched the hand count wich was requested by Wilder + company i saw a split group who most of the time vote the same. Not this time they were a split group and i would like to thank Wilder for the opertunity to let that be pointed out. Those who have put this town in the position were in voted to keep it that way or make it worse. Keep that in mind when you vote for new selectmen and commissioners as they may have been a part of why were in such bad shape! The old guard has a big problem when it comes to fixing Templetons problems so they try to make it worse and blame those who inspire to fix what they helped to destroy over the years.
    I thank all who came to the meeting and respect the votes all cast. Templeton can relax and be proud of the leadership we have and we need to help them with support for this cause and protect against those who continue to wish our town harm any way they can. As seen in the letters to the editor Mrs. Wilder still remains the leader to lie and manipulate whatever she gets fed time and time again. The issues with the E.T. school project only prove my point and when the time comes to move this forward to be a town hall they will fight to further harm this town. Lie and manipulate is how their game gets played. The mold issue is very small and we all have one, The CPC money is one way to get a 50-50 split on what we spend on it and also the Building is more than big enough. More space than we use now all combined. The facts are out
    there Templeton and there are people who will tell the truth and there are people who will lie and say it will cost 2.3 million to fix it up. When the CPC spends it to restore it to original historical state you may use 2.3 million but thats not the intention of the people who want this building saved,myself included want this building to be a useful asset and to not want that is a bit foolish one would think. CPC money are in our tax rates and matched by the state 1/2 and 1/2 so we have the money and we have enough swamps we need to fix up this building to be useful one way or another. When the school moved out it was to cut down on expences and trim their budget as the money was running low for them also. They did not move out due to the building not being healthy or safe for the children as Wilder states. It was to point out they were unable to pay the bills for heat and other utilities in as many locations we were in at the time. After the close it points out we were overcrowded and lack room for the many functions we complain about now. There is no doubt we need a new school and after the school committee budget meeting i had a talk with a administration person who explained the loans for the shcools would only overlap one year as one gets paid off and the other one starts the amount for our tax increase would only grow for a short time. It's important to point out the tax rate can go up and also go down. We have seen this when the senior center was taken off the rate. We need to press the leadership for the facts on this and make sure we don't fall into a forever tax increase when we take on projects like our" Templeton only " elementary school project. Phillipston not included project. Remember to choose your leaders wisely and hold them accountable all the time.
    Again thanks to those who care enough for Templeton to come and vote.
