Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Road Funding Update

Road Funding Update

This is good news. Templeton is eligible for a one time draw down of $50,980 for the specific purpose road and road facility repairs under the Winter Rapid  Recovery Road Repair .

It would be a shame to lose out on this money. Looks like it is use it or lose it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how this will work seeing the financial mess we are in, but I think we should find a way, and not think twice about it. We did not fill any cracks last year, because we cut the money out of the budget. After this winter, I can honestly say I think we made a mistake. South Road had sections that you might have called fairly good, but the water got into the crack that ran down the middle of the road, and did some damage. Now it is obvious I am not a highway guy, but it does not take a lot of brains to know the funding for the repair of our roads is not going to look to good in the future. In my way of thinking, we should repair as many roads as we can, and grab this Winter Rapid Recovery Road Repair money, and use every cent. I do not think we can be the clean up people after the Water Department, and use all of our Chapter 90 money on their projects. It makes no sense to me to do that and have the rest of our roads go to crap, because we did not have the money to fix them. There is a saying, "Where there is a will there is a way!" so we have the will now we can fins the way. Bev.
