Thursday, May 1, 2014

April 28, 2014 BOS Meeting …and the Movie

April 28, 2014 BOS Meeting
…and the Movie

Part 1 of the April 28, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the April 28, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 3 of the April 28, 2014 BOS Meeting

Town Administrator Report-
The Warrant for the Annual town Meeting is complete. The Motions are almost ready with dollar figures. There is a Joint BOS Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday in the Kiva.  There was discussion about clarity on the debt exclusion for the elementary school project. It may be possible to avoid borrowing money if that article is successful on May 5th.  The same new growth figure -$52,000 – will be used for FY 15 as was used for FY 14.

Special Town Meeting –
The BOS voted and signed the warrant for the Special Town Meeting, which will be held within the Annual Town Meeting.

Acting Chairman Kenn Robinson issued a warning for the next agenda items. He stated there are emotional issues on the agenda and reminded people they can attack ideas but not people.

Chapter 90 update-
Highway superintendent Bud Chase presented the board with a $125,000 project request payment for Memorial St.

The board then reviewed and discussed road projects for this season. There were 11 roads listed: Lord Road $33,652 ; Otter River Road $168,834 ; Lamont St. $5,178 ; Mountain View $18,759 ; Reservoir St. $36,005 ; Williams St. $11,331 ; Orchard Lane $62,239 ; Winchester St. $110,732 ; Walnut St. $64,079 ; Holman St. $26,407 ; Harris St. $14,936.

The prices listed include binder and topcoat. There was discussion about doing some roads in dense binder to save enough money to do the needed drainage on Otter River Rd.  Bud will work with the figures and come back at a BOS meeting in May.

Complaint from TMLWP re: Highway Superintendent

The Board of Selectman received a personnel complaint from the general manager of Templeton Municipal Light & Water Plant. Acting chairman Kenn Robinson, read the letter of complaint  dated March 12, 2014 into the record. The letter describes an incident regarding the water main freeze in East Templeton. As a follow up, the BOS received a letter from TMLWP attorney Doucette & LaRose dated April 11, 2014.

One fact brought forward during this discussion which took place in open session, is that the highway department is never informed when the water department opens up the road to repair water main breaks. There are regulations in place in Templeton that when the roads are opened a work permit needs to be filed with the Highway department. Currently, the Highway department has no work permits on file from the water department. In the past, the highway department has always waived the work permit fee for the water department. One member of the audience felt this was inequitable, because the water department does not waive the customer charge on the water bills for the town.

Voluntary Tollbooth –
On June 7th there will a voluntary tollbooth from 9am -1 pm as a fundraiser for Charlie’s Angels, a team that participates in the Relay for Life. All proceeds raised will benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. This event will be held on the town roads leading into  Templeton Center.

TMLWP Pilot Payment –
After discussion, the selectman voted to have interim Town Administrator, Bob Markel begin to negotiate a PILOT payment from TMLWP. It was agreed that any PILOT payment made to the town should be treated as one-time funds.

Kenn Robinson stated that 80 per cent of municipal light departments pay a PILOT payment to their towns. Resident Bev. B. read a speech regarding past PILOT payments to the town.

Cemetery Department  Budget issues
There was a lengthy discussion about problems with the budget figures for cemetery department. Of major concern are the figures for the Tomb restoration project. This is a grant-funded project with a strict deadline. There was concern over the amount of money appropriated from CPC funds to match the grant from the state. There are errors in the salary accounts as well.

East Templeton Elementary School Presentation-
The Board discussed an informational sheet on East Templeton school building drafted by Selectman Morrison. The information is to inform voters regarding the warrant article at the Annual Town Meeting.

The agenda items MOC Sonia, Board & Committee Appointment policy and the Ahimsa Haven Lease were tabled. The Board did vote and sign the Nasiatka Trust transfer.

There is a joint meeting of the BOS and Advisory Board on Wednesday in the Kiva at 6:30 to review budget options.

On Thursday, the public interview for the last town administrator will take place.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

Please Vote
May 5, 2014

Please support your Town

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