Tuesday, May 20, 2014

ATM Articles 35 & 36

ATM Articles 35 & 36

It is hoped that Templeton Residents will support articles 35 and 36 involving water fluoridation in the Town of Templeton.  
Article 35 concerns placing a warning on water bills about fluorosis risk that fluoride poses to infants. The warning is as followed:

“Your public water supply is fluoridated.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increase chance of dental fluorosis.  Consult your child’s health care provider for more information. 

Pediatrian Dr. Yoland Whyte gives a quick update:  

It was estimated when water fluoridation began in the late forties that the rate of dental fluorosis would stay below ten percent of those drinking fluoridated water.  The current rate of dental fluorosis is forty one percent.  Here is more on dental fluorosis.

Ingesting fluoride prior to birth has been associated with a lowering of IQ as established by the Harvard School of Public Health.

     Article 36 asks Town Meeting to approve Special Legislation allowing the towns Legislative Body at Annual Town Meeting to be the one to decide on water fluoridation or not.
     Templeton was one of the first towns to fluoridate their water supply in 1951 and did so with a town meeting vote.  When towns in Massachusetts  were slow to adopt putting an enzymatic poison (fluoride) in their water supply the State stepped in with Chapter 111 Section 8C. 

My interpretation of this law is that Templeton’s Legislative body  is no longer the party to make decisions involving fluoridation.  The Board of Health has the right to put fluoride in the water under the direction of the Massachusetts Public Health.  If Citizens want to take the fluoride out of their drinking water then a petition with ten percent of the town voters is needed to have a vote.  After two years the local Board of Health can place it right back in again if they wish.    
     This type of law is not a fair law at all.  The effort and monetary costs  needed by citizens to get the fluoride out initially could be substantial.  After spending the time, money and effort to rid a community of fluoride after a two year time period the Board of Health can put it right back in again. No where in this law does it say that the Local Board of Health can take fluoride out of the water supply.   Chapter 111 sec. 8C not fair for many reasons.
     The State and Local Board of Health can use your tax dollars to promote water fluoridation but the citizens must use their own money to remove fluoride. 
     It was suggested that Special Legislation was needed to place the responsibility of water fluoridation back with Annual Town Meeting. 
     Please support this Special Legislation giving us back our right to decide for ourselves if we wish to have fluoride in our water or not. 


  1. I know most people groan (inwardly or outwardly) when the fluoride articles come up on town meeting floor.

    After reading a number of books and journal articles, I have become convinced the fluoride should be removed from the water supply.

    There is no way to "opt out" of water fluoridation in Templeton. If you are on the water line, you get fluoridated water.

    Fluoride is a poison.

  2. Look at a bottle of Listerine mouth wash. What does it say ? It tells you not to swallow the mouth wash, actually it tells you to "keep out of the reach of children. If more than used for rinsing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Center right away." According to the bottle the active ingredient is Sodium fluoride 0.02%. So how much is in the water you and your family drink ? You don't know, and neither do I. If you have a new baby, and use town water, did you know their was flouride in the water you pay for ? What are the long term affects from this substance, on your children when their bodies are developing? As a parent it is your job to protect your children, so do it. Don't take the risk of putting your children in harms way, by giving them a substance that has so many unknown factors. Flouride can be given in other ways, if that is really what you desire to do.. As the label in the Listerine bottle says, "aids in the prevention of dental cavities", it does not say it is 100% effective. It is time to take this our of the town water system for once and for all.Bev.

  3. How often does the water department audit the use of the flouride or compare the records to the use over the amount of water sold. How old is the system they use to add the correct amounts to the water? Have there been any "reported" accidental malfunctions in any of the systems used to treat the water? How would we find out if the systems did malfunction and over treat the water? Are they perfect in the treatment of our water? Why would that be?

  4. The fluoride content of mothers milk, babies first meal is between .004 and .04 ppm. this is a very low content. Mothers protect there babies from fluoride by keeping the levels very low. Fluoride is an enzymatic poison. Infant formula made with town water would have an expected fluoride content of 1 ppm. 1ppm is 250 times what mothers milk would contain. Please support this article and give the next generation a better chance at good health.

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  6. smart @nii.net : Lets have the rest of it and things can continue like it has in the past for you charlles
    Don't laugh it's for the protection of this blog!
    Your comment will remain till 1pm 5-22-2014
    Others have pushed this blog in the direction it's going and can't be helped!
    It's about us knowing who is posting comments and are not user names being used.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Yes he has and when we know who is who we are ok with any AKA.
    Baldwin Templeton in my friend Peter Farrell.
    He has signed many times and to that why don't you?
    Again this is about protecting the this Blog!
    I'll hope to get your email . ASAP!
    If we don't know who you are anyone can comment as anyone they want.
    We have to do this for that reason.
    Play by the rules or go away!
    No one should need to hide if their honest and truthful about their comments.
    No identified comments will be removed and thats as fair as this gets!
