Tuesday, May 13, 2014

DeRensis reappointed to government commission

DeRensis reappointed to government commission

TEMPLETON — Templeton Town Counsel Paul DeRensis has been reappointed by Gov. Deval Patrick to a sixth term as a member of the Massachusetts Local Government Advisory Commission.

State law provides that responsibilities of commissioners include the following:

1. to review and analyze proposed legislation and regulatory changes from the point of view of municipal government and present such point of view to the governor, his executive secretaries and to the general court;

2. to act as an independent advocate for the interests of local governments in their relations with state and federal governments;

3. to advise officials of the commonwealth and the federal government on the needs of local governments, assist in mobilizing state and federal resources to deal with problems of local governments, provide coordinating support to agencies responsible for administering federal, state and local programs, and promote legislative and administrative proposals reflecting the interests of local governments;

4. to establish, from time to time, study committees or task forces to consider issues pertaining to local government in detail and to present the results of those considerations to the governor, the secretaries of his executive offices and to the general court;

5. to meet monthly with the governor and at such other times…;

6. to meet quarterly with the legislative leadership, and at such other times as may be necessary.

“I am honored by this opportunity for public service, and will do my best to offer ideas and input to the governor and his team that will help all of the communities of Massachusetts,” said Mr. DeRensis.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see our Town Council was reappointed to the Massachusetts Local Government Advisory Committee. The best move our town ever made was in letting K&P go. I have read that more towns have chosen to do the same thing, getting rid of K&P. How does a business justify billing for two meetings when their people never left the room?? That kind of behavior comes back to haunt you. Bev.
