Friday, May 23, 2014

Former school slated to become new town office

Former school slated to become new town office

Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Residents approved the appropriation of $195,000 from the town’s Community Preservation accounts to be used towards the former East Templeton Elementary School at Monday night’s Annual Town Meeting session — setting the stage for the building to become the new town office headquarters effective July 1.

After receiving word of an anticipated rent increase for the space currently being leased by the town for town offices at 690 Patriots Road, the Board of Selectmen began exploring their options, eventually settling on the discontinued school building as their new home.

“It’s a good, solid building,” said Selectmen Doug Morrison. “It served our community well for 100 years. It can continue to serve the community for another 100 years.”

The town currently rents office space next to JBM Services Inc. for $52,000 per year. According to officials, that amount is scheduled to swell to $80,000 starting in July — a price Templeton simply cannot afford.

“We’re at a point where it’s not financially feasible for us to stay at 690 (Patriots Road),” said Vice Chairman John Columbus.

The preservation funds will cover the replacement of the building’s roof, boiler and drainage system, although it does not represent the actual cost of renovating the building into a permanent Town Hall.

While the work will take time to complete, the building is ready for temporary occupancy.

“All of these things — while they need to be done — do not need to be done before we move in,” said Mr. Morrison. “We can move into that building in July and make repairs after.”

Work is scheduled to begin in July and will hopefully be completed by the end of October.

Residents at town meeting also approved the transfer of $3,000 from stabilization to cover moving expenses.

Chairman Kenn Robinson explained the board previously planned on enlisting help from the Highway Department, but following recent layoffs, are now looking for volunteers.

Restoration of the Templeton Grange Hall also received approval for $73,160 from the preservation account, as well as $31,000 for updates to the Franklin J. Jackson Civil War monument in the Templeton Common Burial Ground.

A total of $5,000 for repairs to a column supporting the portico of the First Church of Templeton was also granted. The third installment of Town Meeting will reconvene Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Narragansett Middle School auditorium.


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  1. This is the most important thing the town has done in many years. In the seventies, most of the select board came from Baldwinville. It was convenient for them to walk from one building to another. It was rare for people to attend a Selectmen's Meeting, just to watch what was going on. Their needs were met with very little, in terms of space required to run a meeting. The building the Town Clerk is in had such a problem with volatile fumes, from gas leaks through the years, from gas stations around the center of Baldwinville, a ditch was dug between the building and the river, and filled with rock. This allowed the fumes to escape. I still think the people in this building should be moved to E.T., and the building should be demolished. The opposition to this move from Ms. Wilder and friends, had nothing to do with what is best for the people in this town, and that is sad. I may have been removed from the Town Meeting, but when I stand to say what I feel is right I am working for the best interest of the people of this town, and I will never stop. If you have any extra time please sign up to help with the move to East Templeton, our new Town Hall. Doesn't that sound nice !! Bev.

  2. East Templeton has turned into the jewel of the town. By fixing this building and keeping an eye on it so the local vandals don't continue to smash the windows this section of town will continue getting better and better. Whether the town decides to keep their town offices here or build a new ten million dollar state of the art political arena the decision to fix this building seems sound. Nice job town meeting!
