Thursday, May 15, 2014

FY 15 Budget and ATM News

FY 15 Budget and ATM News

After much deliberation and consideration a compromise budget was reached last night. There will be one budget FY 15 brought forward for discussion on town meeting floor.

FY 15 Green sheet - no override

FY 15 Revenue and Expense - no override

Thank you to everyone who labored over this painful budget process.

There will be free babysitting available at The Annual Town Meeting on Saturday


  1. Looks like another bump in the road .

    1. I understand the Moderator want's Department Heads to read their articles ?? This will be another time consuming waste, we do not need. After two hundred and fifty years the way we have always done this is not good enough ?? I did speak to him about what I consider a conflict of interest, as his wife works for the school. I told him he had better be fair to everyone, as I do not plan to sit through another one sided meeting like the meeting with Templeton and Phillipston. Imagine 50 years from know, when someone looks back to see what happened on that day and there was no count of how many people were for or against the budget !! That is not alright !! People in the cafeteria never even got counted !! That is not ok with me and it should not be ok with you. Bev.

  2. There are no winners in this budget scenario. There are tough times ahead for Templeton.

    We will need to cut more money from the FY 14 budget according to the DOR. I hope the BOS will act quickly to address the situation.

  3. Guess the Light department can't find the off switch since the street lights are still on. Not saving any money that way.

    1. Hello Jeanne,
      At the ATM on Saturday, the Chairman of the Light and water Commission, Dana Blais stated the lights will stay on. Town meeting did not appropriate money for streetlights so the bill can't be paid. It was stated that it costs more to turn off the lights ($24,000 505 lights) than to pay the bill ($20,000)

  4. They can leave them on and pay for them out of their surplus money they are banking on our backs.
    Along with all the bills for power the town gets from them. We should charge them for every dime of costs we incur for their departments over the last 100 years. The High school/Middle school pay over 175,000.00 for electic power and get crumbs for the wind turbine being there. 5,000.00 per year with no increase. TMLWP gets Renewable energy credits that pass 300,000.00 a year and share none of it with the town. Passing off the town buildings and the school electric bills shouldn't hurt them at all with that extra money rolling in. Or did they spend it already?

    1. Hi David, Thank you for your kind reply to a post I wrote about seeing (what looks like rather benign, non inflammatory) comments being removed way too often for my liking. My post addressing this was unfortunately deleted, as well. And many wonder why some good people in town have had it when they feel they are being censored for no discernible reason other than someone disagrees with their view. Even though I don't personally know you, I happen to agree with much of what you write. Not sure who is doing the administrating here but it is concerning and I won't be commenting after this. It will likely be deleted anyway. Have a good day and thank you for your kind words prior to this and appreciate your efforts to straighten this town out. Have a good evening.
