Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Learn about birds in Templeton

Learn about birds in Templeton

TEMPLETON — Learn about birds at the Nature for the Birds event set for Wednesday, May 14 from 10 to 11 a.m. at the  Templeton Senior Center, 135 Patriots Road, East Templeton.

Learn how people can protect their feathered friends.

Organizers will discuss current issues in bird conservation in Massachusetts, and then discuss what we can do to help one of our feathered friends: the bluebird.

This program is ideal whether you’re an avid bird-lover or just interested in an entertaining story.

Everyone who participates will have an opportunity to enjoy tales from behind the scenes of conservation and to learn how everyday citizens are helping to keep the birds of Massachusetts singing.

For more information about the Nature for the Birds event, send an email to or go to


  1. If anyone is able to attend, could you please ask the presenters why 2 Baltimore Orioles are attacking my windows at home? They keep pecking at the windows. It is very loud and just a little disturbing.

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  3. Julie watch the movie the birds and you will find the answer to your question.
    Were you watching the Red Sox play when your home was under attack?

    1. Julie, look around and see if they are building a nest on the side of the house those windows are on. They may think you are a threat. I had a problem with a male cardinal who pecked at my window, every time I came home from camp to do laundry. He and his partner had a nest in the rose of sharon bush next to the window. The male bird carried on for months. Dad said they saw their reflection in the window, so I shut the curtains. They just moved to the picture window !! I have pictures of this bird in the window sill, looking in the window for me !! The dam bird was obsessed. A great thank you, seeing that I paid the taxes, and bought the bird seed. Mother nature gives us some funny things to deal with. Just make sure Virginia did not put a camera on his back. It could be another way to keep an eye on those Farrells, HeeHee. I have American bluebirds nesting in my yard. The male is the most beautiful blue, and they have been around most of the spring. Bart is open for business and the greenhouse is full, so if you would like to check out the birds, or the greenhouse you are welcome to come up. Bev.

    2. I've had the same thing with a male cardinal two years in a row. We also had a turkey attacking its reflection in our car. It brings to mind the old expression "bird brain".

  4. I don't know what the heck is going on with these birds. They were still pecking at the windows when I got home. I don't think it is related to the Red sox. Time will tell.

    Sorry the Bruins lost. They had a fine season.

    1. We had a visit from the bear last night. He is not shy, came right on the deck and bent the pole my bird feeder was hanging on in half. I had been taking my feeders in at night, but I thought we were safe. Something must have scared him, because the feeder was on the deck in one piece. We had a pair of Orioles in the yard yesterday. They are so beautiful, mother nature sure does a good job. Templeton may have it's problems but I do not want to live any where else. Bev.
