Thursday, May 22, 2014

May Annual Town Meeting is Dissolved

May Annual Town Meeting is Dissolved

For better or worse the May Annual Town meeting has been dissolved. Passing over articles  and hand counts were the norm for most articles…until the moderator changed the rules. People were ejected from town meeting by the moderator.

There was a motion to reconsider Article 31 –Special Act for Fiscal 2014 General Fund Deficit. The wording of the special act was amended.

Annual Town meeting will still be held on Saturday. A plea was made to coordinate with ALL town departments (that remain) and entities to ensure no other activities would be scheduled for that Saturday.

The Advisory Board will remain at 7 members. The moderator made his appointments at the end of the meeting.

The fluoride citizen petitions were passed over providing more evidence to a lowering of IQ. Looks like the cancer rate will continue to increase in Templeton.

The Board of Selectmen are the ONLY elected officials in Templeton who can NOT run for other elected offices.

The bylaw to have a paper ballot failed.

The proponent for the article on marijuana was possibly defamed by a planning board member, who seemed agitated.

The moderator did a good job overall in controlling the meeting.


  1. William Marcus head toxicologist at the EPA tells us that fluoride causes osteosarcoma in lab rats. Dr. Marcus also shows a rare liver cancer is tied to fluoride exposure. Dr. Burk and Yiamiyiannis use epidemeological data to show in a Pennsylvania Court and Illinoise Court along with a Court in Greece and Great Britain that fluoride raises cancer rates 4-10% in areas that have adopted fluoridation. Because most of us can't believe that our government is benign and kind and would never bring us harm it will be necessary to continue to try to educate people in town on the dangers of fluoridation. Thanks to all who supported these articles. Because of the importance of this issue it is hoped that it can be brought up again at next years Annual town meeting. Please continue to do your homework on this issue.

  2. I think changing the rules fromm article to article is not the proper way to have our town meetings. Weather for or against it would be/sould be no reason for the rules to be altered because the article has been at the floor before. To not be alllowed freedom of speach and add to the discussion is not what our democracy is about. By not allowing the last person to speak and voting to move the question was taking more time than it would have to hear what was going to be added to the important topic. The moderator does have my respect and i trust his decisions are for the our towns best interest. There is no topic more important to us than the topic of our health and our childrens health. The town meetings are the only way we are allowed to bring forth the issues we think are doing harm. Do your own research and check out what people want changed it's your right to vote on issues we are faced with when brought to the meeting floor.

    1. Seeing that I was ejected from this Town Meeting, I would like to say, I did not say anything wrong. I took all of the information I presented from The Town of Templeton Annual Reports. It is a fact that the Chairman of the Advisory Board was named Mr. Mattson, and it is a fact he was a student at Mount Wachusett Community College. I did not say he was used as a rubber stamp by Bob Columbus, and his followers. I did not say the members of that Board had not one ounce of a clue as to how they were to manage the funds in the accounts they were in charge of. Mr. Spring and the Board he has assembled has put in hundreds of hours for the town we live in, and deserved the support of everyone. I found a number of the Citizen Petitions to be mean spirited. Just because one person can not handle more than one position, that does not mean everyone can't. Gee, maybe our town moderator holds a grudge because I questioned what I felt was his conflict of interest, having a vested interest in the school budget, as his wife is teaching this very morning in our local school. Bev.

  3. Our public school systems as well as dental hygienist promote water fluoridation per the Mass. Dept. of Public Health, Our Board of Health member speaking in favor of fluoride is a dental hygienist. Our schools are not educating our children on fluoride, our children are being indoctrinated in the use of this enzymatic poison. Fluoride, if it works at all, works topically this was proved by Dr. Hardy Limeback head of the Dentistry in Toronto Canada as well as Arvid Carllson Nobel Prize Winner from Sweden. Drinking fluoridated water is like drinking suntan lotion, the levels of fluoride in saliva are negligent. My research to date shows that many members of the Council on Foreign Relations were involved with getting fluoride accepted into our water supplies. You will not find a more interesting subject than that of water fluoridation.

    1. I only pray that some day we do not find out you and Julie are dead right, and some intervention could have saved some lives, or other problems beyond our imagination. I think about when John and I were married in the sixties. From the little area in Otter River a good number of people died at a very early age. His mother and sister were in their early fifties, One of his friends child died from leukemia and another had a birth defect, all in a area you could throw a rock to. They all were on town water, and lived close to the paper mill. No one will know for sure, I just pray that foolish people that will not keep a open mind, are not going to be responsible for harm to anyone else. We can always say we tried. Bev.
