Saturday, May 17, 2014

Meet & Greet at The Country Mischief

Meet & Greet at The Country Mischief 

Representative Denise Andrews (D-Orange) invites you and your family and friends to attend the upcoming Meet & Greet at The Country Mischief in Templeton this Sunday, 5/18, from 3-4:30pm.

This is a wonderful way to learn about the progress being made in our district and to engage on issues and ideas that you want addressed for our communities’ progress.

 “I am looking forward to once again meeting as many people as possible throughout the next several months. I am interested in earning your vote to continue to represent this wonderful district. I would like to hear from you on your thoughts on what is working and what needs to still be addressed,” shared Representative Andrews. “It is important I believe to keep continuity in this role as we advance projects and progress together. We together are building a better future for individuals, families and businesses in our district. Please attend one or many of the upcoming meet and greets and hear what work is being accomplished and to share with me your ideas and perspectives.”

If able, please bring a non-perishable food item; they will be donated to local food banks.

All are welcome!  Light refreshments provided.

You can, also, learn more about Representative Denise Andrews on her website 

The Second Franklin District is made up of the following communities:

Athol, Belchertown (A), Erving, Gill, New Salem, Orange, Petersham, Phillipston, Royalston, Templeton, Warwick and Wendell.

Please vote in the Primary Election on September 9th and in the General Election on November 4th. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank Representative Andrews for the Senate hearing S623 that involved getting our Town Meeting article looking for answers on the Treatment Plant Contract, Ch 93 acts of 2000, Casella money and 252 Baldwinville Rd. in front of the Senate Committee for a determination on merit to move forward. When a town and its executive leadership have someone like this helping at the State level their voice is more likely to be heard. On another note I would like to thank Representative Andrews for taking the time to learn more about water fluoridation by taking the handouts prior to town meeting and agreeing to watch the video Fluoridegate An American Tragedy. Fluoridegate and American Tragedy can be watched on youtube. Don't be the last one in town to watch this riveting documentary on the hazards of water fluoridation. If you would like to help get the fluoride out of the water supply, please come to Annual Town Meeting on Monday to vote on articles 35 and 36. Pete Farrell and the team to remove fluoride from the Templeton water supply.
