Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monty Tech CyberPatriot team captures award

Monty Tech CyberPatriot team captures award

Sen. Elizabeth Warren congratulates members of Monty Tech's CyberPatriot Team after placing second in the national competition held recently in National Harbor, Md. From left, team members Connor Quick, Jamison LaRoche and Jack Marabello, all of Gardner, Sen. Warren, Brett Grant of Baldwinville, Patrick Arakelian of Hubbardston, Leon Gaulin of Winchendon, and advisers Rich Duncan and First Sgt. Paul Jornet. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

FITCHBURG — For the second consecutive year Monty Tech's Marine Corps JROTC CyberPatriot Team placed second in the All-Service Division of the National CyberPatriot VI Competition held recently in National Harbor, Md. The Air Force Association sponsors the competition.

Team members, accompanied by their advisers, attended the School Committee's recent monthly meeting and presented Principal Nicholas J. DeSimone with their trophy.

School Committee members congratulated the students on their "outstanding performance." Team members' parents and family members attended the meeting. School Committee members Mary Barclay of Royalston and Eric Commodore of Gardner, accompanied the team to the competition.

Monty Tech's "Marine Raiders" competed against a total of 852 teams in the all-service division. Each team member received $1,5000 in scholarship money. Team members include juniors Connor Quick, Jamison LaRoche and Jack Marabello (team captain), all of Gardner; junior Brett Grant of Baldwinville; sophomore Patrick Arakelian of Hubbardston and freshman Leon Gaulin of Winchendon.

The CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education Program was created by the Air Force Association to inspire high-school students toward careers in cyber-security or other science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to the nation's future.

While in Maryland, teams members met with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, who congratulated the students on their win and posed for a picture with them. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell also attended the event. 

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