Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Narragansett Historical Society Annual Meeting

Narragansett Historical Society Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Narragansett Historical Society of Templeton will be held Wednesday, May 28th at 7 pm. It will be held at Historical Society's museum on the common . Officers will be elected. Members will have a chance to see the fresh paint job and new shelves installed in the Document Room during the winter.

The mission of the Narragansett Historical Society is to collect, preserve and interpret Templeton's rich history for present and future generations. It is headquartered in a former store and tavern that was built of English brick about 1810 by John W Stiles, a trader. 

The museum is open on Saturdays during the summer. Afternoon teas are scheduled in the tranquil backyard garden July 12, Aug. 2 and Aug 16th. For more information visit :


  1. One Saturday I went behind the Historical Society to get water for the flowers I planted in front of Gladys's stone. In the garden were three people playing the most beautiful music, with no one to watch them play. That was so sad. I hope the people on the Board of Directors will keep their schedule of events posted so the residents of Templeton know when these events are taking place, and that they attend and donate to a good cause. Bev.

    1. This building is full of wonderful information about the town and the people who have contributed to it's neighborhoods, and businesses through out the years. Take a Saturday and enjoy the information the society has to offer. Go for tea with a friend, and let the building take you back to another time. This is a great way for the newer people in town to have a appreciation of The Town of Templeton, and the people who ventured out to make way for others to follow, in the early days of the town's history. Bev.
