Monday, May 5, 2014

Please Vote on May 5, 2014

Please exercise your right to vote!

Please Vote
May 5, 2014

Please support your Town!


  1. I have heard our friend, yah right, Mr. Skelton is running on a sticker,or write in campaign. You have to be kidding !! This man has no clue, as his 40 year loans, and management was a huge part in how our town got to where we are today, in my opinion. Could it be he is afraid of Pauly's investigation, and wants to stall or kill it ?? Please vote for the people who care about this town, and will work for it, not just the schools. One time, I had a online discussion with one of our nameless people on the blog. This person told me the schools were more important than the town !! Than was his way of looking at it, but that does not make any sense to me. The town is the trunk of the tree, and the rest are the branches. From the trunk comes the money to keep these branches living, and they get the meas to grow. With out the town, not much will happen, and the branches are only as strong as the trunk on any given year. I believe that from his many years on the BOS, Mr. Skelton knows exactly how the town stands financially, and has for a good long time. My question to you is, why would he push for the town to take on more debt for his beloved 252 when he knew how deep the town was in debt last October ?? If his way to manage is to keep on borrowing, then we have been there and done that. Could you imagine if we had tacked a couple of millions more to our debt last October ? Oh my goodness, the mess we would be in would be even worse than it is right now. Please vote for the people you know will work for us, and we can depend on. This is my opinion, Bev.

  2. Congratulations to all who were victorious in yesterdays election and a big thank you to all who participated. This year Winston Churchill's quote seems especially appropriate "success in politics is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." Thanks again to all who took part in our Constitutional Republic! Pete Farrell

  3. I would like to thank the people who voted for me the most and also the people who took the time to vote for everyone else.
    I would have liked to win but not doing so is not that bad. I tried and failed. That is one thing to look back on and say i did.
    Most would not have the will or ambition to even think of it. Most would say why bother let them deal with it not my problem.
    Thats just the point it's our problem now.Like it or not we all have a light bill and are tied to the involvement at TMLWP.
    I will continue to watch,record meetings and be an information gatherer for the towns people who voted for me and those who didn't. Like it or not open government is run for reasons to allow the public to keep the people in charge honest and law abiding like it says in the chapter 164 MGL.

    Just a NOTE:
    There will be a layoff/furlough meeting tonight instead of the one scheduled by BOS!
    Again thank you /Templeton voters!

  4. "sorry" M.L.
    Email me at ( to continue comments)
    It needed to protect you and keep others who may try to use your name.
    After you email me and get it verified we won't delete.
    Thank you!

  5. If you have not paid your taxes because you have not recieved a tax bill you should pay what you can at least what you had to last year. Our town is out of money to pay bills and if we don't pay taxes now it will be a big problem very soon. Your final tax bill will come to late to help our treasurer with our cash flow problem. Your taxes are going up over last year but will be at least as much they were last year. To many people have not paid and the loan the town took out to cover the bills has run out.
    Please pay your taxes now and help to do your part to help your town.
    If your bank holds them for you call them and tell them to pay an estimated amount of at least what you paid last year.
    It is critical to do this ASAP.

  6. lets see, a huff n puff comments "here comes the state, you morons" then comments about if you tell us who the administrators are, you would have more credibility. See, Dave smart comments and he attaches his real name to it. Pete Farrell comments under an alias then signs off with Pete Farrell, so huff, come thru with your real name and you would gain some credibility. With a cash flow problem, maybe the triplets should look at regionalization of dispatch, per diem positions, central purchase of office supplies (at least) and reducing or combining some administrative positions.

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