Saturday, May 3, 2014

Please Vote on May 5, 2014

Please Vote
May 5, 2014

Please support your Town


  1. Best of luck to Candidates Mitchell for Selectmen, Smart for Light and Water Commission and Farrell for School Committee. Thanks all for making the effort to participate in local government!

    1. I have heard that some of the older people feel they don't need to vote. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is your town and people have died to give you a voice. Don't let anyone take that away, or give it away by not voting. Every one has their own budget, and know what they can manage and what they can't. Julie and I have put a citizens petition on the Town Meeting Warrant. I have felt strongly about the right for people to vote privately, with out the peer pressure from other people looking to see how you voted. If this passes, seven people can stand and ask for a written ballot. I am hoping that a number of you will back me on this. I do not ever want to attend another meeting, like the two town meeting we had with Phillipston. No count was taken, half the people attending were never counted, what will people find somewhere down the road they look for information and there is none ?? I was very angry with myself after that, because I should have said something, and I didn't. Never again, at least while I am still able to go to a Town Meeting will they have a fiasco like the one with the two towns. Please vote, and encourage any property owner to vote because this is your town. Bev.

  2. I totally agree with you Bev. The joint town meeting was a fiasco. The "check in" tables should've been set up right at the two entry doors, we should've been handed out then voting ballots with either a Yes or No on it. There was no accountability that people didn't get into the room that didn't even live in either town. Regardless of those errors, there should have certainly been a hand count. I remember before the meeting was officially adjourned, people were asking for a hand count and it was totally dismissed by the moderator. Totally wrong way to run a meeting especially when so much was at stake.
