Sunday, May 18, 2014

This just in ...from Diane Haley Brooks FB page

This just in ...from Diane Haley Brooks FB page

BREAKING NEWS! Julie Farrell is planning on submitting a substitute motion to lower the school district assessment. This will constitute a NO vote on the budget and the PROCESS will begin again like what happened last year.

The reason the school budget is up is because the town of Templeton is "under effort" and the state is in effect punishing us by handing down an amount of this year $129,000 to help us catch up with the $800,000 that we are not paying towards the school assessment.

Below is what the state law says must happen:

(2) Initial Action by the Local Appropriating Authorities
(a)The budget as adopted by the regional school committee and the member's assessment as certified by the treasurer of the regional school district, shall be placed before each local appropriating authority for its consideration. Notwithstanding provisions in the regional agreement to the contrary, approval of the budget shall require an affirmative vote of the appropriating authorities of two-thirds of the members. A vote by the local appropriating authority to appropriate the member's assessment shall constitute approval of the regional school district's budget. The use of the alternate assessment method shall require the approval of all of the members; such approval may be given by a separate vote of the appropriating authority, or if a separate vote is not taken, approval of a budget or assessment based on the alternate method shall be deemed approval of the method.
(b)If a local appropriating authority votes to appropriate a lower amount than the assessment as certified by the treasurer of the regional school district, such vote shall not constitute approval of the budget as submitted by the regional school committee. The regional school committee may consider such votes when it reconsiders the budget pursuant to 603 CMR 41.05(3).
(c)Approval of a budget based on the alternative assessment method shall be reported to the commissioner on the district's end of year financial returns.

  • Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman I wasn't looking for any rude comments that was not my intention. There are more than just parents/guardians that believe with a good school system that is funded properly we attract new people to move to town, thus increasing the tax base. We do not have the funds to go through this whole budget process again. Also, Let's have a conversation with the Superintendent and the School Committee and not just bust their budget. Let's start doing what the Dept Heads in our town should have been doing all these years ~ we need to utilize them as they are a valuable resource on a daily basis.
  • Erin Imbriani Davis She is unbelievable!! Why do people keeping voting her in?!?! Shame on her!!!
  • Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman Please be respectful. I wanted to put that information out there not attack people. There is a process.
  • Christine Braccini Why would she want to do this? out of spite?
  • Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman The school presents a number at the town meeting not a budget.
  • Colleen O'Donnell Lavorato She is evil
  • Donald Giardino This town just plain sucks!
  • Bill Newman She keeps doing this because she has a voter base in town that thinks she can do no wrong. How many times is she going to be allows to pull a stunt like this. The best is she ran for school board. WAKE UP !
  • Erin Imbriani Davis With having meetings on Saturdays that took all the parents out of being able to attend!! Soccer, baseball and softball for all of our kids!
  • Kimberly Redman-Wojcukiewicz Exactly Erin Imbriani Davis!! Why why why do them people vote her back in!!??
  • Sheila Couture ..wants payback.I really don't think she cares one way or another..You didn't ask but that's my opinion!!!
  • Sheila Couture Julie Farrell is a pain in the backside..she thinks she's so intelligent bit she a moron with an agenda...she'
  • Sinikka Gary The school budget has not yet come up. The meeting will continue Monday evening @ 7 pm.
  • Suann Quarella Chapman The school needs to present a well informed truthful budget that people can understand. Last year it was not clear and confused many people.
  • Kelly Bowes Weiderman What was the outcome?
  • Bill Davis And did the motion pass?
  • Kevin Bird some mean comments going on here.
  • Tara Callahan-Ambrogi And there are very few parents here... NOT good!
  • Ron Dolan Why does she do this on a consistent basis.Julie works in a school.She of all people should know that it will hurt the town even more.I wish she would quit playing these games on a yearly basis
  • Rod Norcross Wasn't that long ago you voted her in and Gerry out. Remember



  1. Increase in insurance retirees is 159,605.00 total of 697,372.00????
    Can someone explain the amount and what is this for!

  2. What is our cut in the 138.45 million dollar school extra pie from the state ways and means budget?

  3. The figures from Senate Ways and Means are not final figures. The budget figures from Senate Ways and Means come from the Mass Municipal Association. The next step in the state budget process is the conference committee, then the budget goes before the governor. After that the budget goes to legislative override. Sometime in July the state budget for 2015 will be enacted and the final figures for all of the school line items will be made known for each city and town. The same holds true for the unrestricted general government aid for the town.

    It is safe to say that Templeton's share of a proposed $25 million UGGA, will be significantly less than NRSD's share of $118.2 million for the proposed increase in Chapter 70 and Regional School Transportation.

    In the past, the Town of Templeton has received a little over $30,000 in additional UGGA money. NRSD usually receives an increase of over $100,000 from Chapter 70 final figures as wells some additional money for Regional school transportation and the special education circuit breaker funds.

    The issue for the town as wells for the school is that we both have to work with preliminary figures from the state - usually the governor's budget in order to formulate our budgets for town meeting. The state doesn't finalize their budget until AFTER the start of the fiscal year. There have been years where the state budget was finalized in December.

    This year is an election year. In an election year, the final budget is usually very close to SW&M's budget.

    Hope to see everyone tonight.

  4. As far as invoking the "nuclear option", the school committee could vote to adopt a lower figure than the one originally proposed. The nuclear option is NOT mandatory. Very few regional school districts have used the "nuclear option". You can refer back to on the blog to reference articles about Spencer /East Brookfield.

    Ultimately, it is up to the voters at town meeting to vote the final figures for the NRSD.

    1. It is sad these younger people have no clue as to what a town needs to be a community. The support of every tax payer would be helpful but as we all know that will never happen. The people who work for the town need to show up tonight with plenty of supporters. The schools will run just fine even without the small amount of money Julie is asking them to give up. In Spencer and West Brookfield, the School Committee and the Advisory Boards sat down together and worked out a budget that would meet everyones needs. Bev.

  5. Nice to see not the only deletes are here on this blog,
    I guess comments get the same treatment as DHB face page, owe but they identify and tell her who they are.
    We do not remove who identify their comments.
    We engage and educate,conflict is only one tool to learn the who, what, where,why and when's.
    We offer freedom of speech and one could say she"don't".
    We only ask to not hide your identities allow your point to go out along with your names.
    To not require that is not fair to the viewers and people under your acttack. That could be why you don't ID so you can not be attacked about your comments also unfair to all but you.
    To clear ID it's that simple!
    Anyone who comments with AKA that are known are ok to still post comments as they have in the past.
    No comments that are identified will deleted!
    This is what freedom of speech is on this blog and most anywhere.
