Monday, September 29, 2014

Don't fall for ISIS' ploy

Don't fall for ISIS' ploy
It's an old tactic, yet always effective: provoke your opponent into an attack that works to your advantage. Three public beheadings and the country is in a clamor for war. These events are a deliberate attempt to provoke.

Why? Why would ISIS deliberately provoke Western powers?

The grand caliph, having declared himself the ruler of all Islam, is finding that other Muslim leaders are somewhat resistant. Currently, ISIS is in battle with other Muslim forces in Iraq and Syria. How to get those opposed to join their side? Why not unite them against a common enemy? Why not goad the Great Satan into a war? We will come in, blow up a lot of things, get everybody angry at us, and then leave, leaving ISIS the leader of the angry multitude.

A Stimson Center task force, chaired by Gen. John Abizaid, concluded that even small numbers of civilian casualties "can anger whole communities, increase anti-U.S. sentiment and become a potent recruiting tool for terrorist organizations." It worked for Hamas in Gaza.

Certainly we must aid our friends the Kurds, and we would be foolish to allow Israel to fall, but beyond that, what interest do we have in that region? ISIS currently battles forces who already hate us and would shoot us in the back the minute we pushed the enemy from their gates. Is it wise to give them the guns to shoot us with?

We are being played and we're falling for it.



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