Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Help Build the Gladys Salame Playground 9/25- 9/27

Help Build the Templeton Center Playground
To be dedicated to Gladys Salame

Save the dates - Sept 25 through Sept 27

The Cemetery & Parks Department is requesting volunteers for a community build for the new playground in Templeton Center.  

This will replace the current playground next to the center school. 

This build will be similar to the one at Gilman Waite Field:

 Dates are Thursday, September 25, Friday, September 26 & Saturday, September 27. Anyone interested in helping should email cemetery@templeton1.org or call Alan at 978-894-2775.


  1. At the BOS meeting last night, Diane Haley Brooks made a motion to dedicate the Templeton Center Playground in memory of Gladys Salame. Well done!

    1. A big thank you to Diane and the people who have made this a reality. A big thank you to Alan Mayo has done so much for the people of this town by doing the extra work to make things prettier and saving the monuments that mark the history of this town. If Alan did not go the extra mile, these things would not get done. Gladys loved her kids, every one of the kids she taught to read. Gladys made each one of them feel they were special. because to her they were. This is a great honor to a great lady. Bev.
