Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Outstanding Accounts Receivable...TMLWP

Outstanding Accounts Receivable...TMLWP

From: ""
To: J Driscoll
Cc: ""
Date: September 22, 2014 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Outstanding Accounts Receivable
We noticed that the Light and Water Departments have invoices outstanding that are just more than 60 days overdue (from the billing date), which the invoices total $94,457.70 and $28,100.82 for the Light and Water Departments respectively. The Total does not include today's billing of $121,600.90 and $36,774.12 for the Light and Water Department respectively.

To date, the Light and Water Departments owe $216,058.60 and $64,874.94 respectively.

Please promptly pay the invoices that are over 60 days outstanding. Additionally, please pay the invoices billed today within the next 30 days.


  1. May i asked who is receiving this payment? and please who is billing TML&W who is matt ? and what is the billing invoice look like ? as to brack down inventory cost please , not just the sum
    send it to please

  2. Massvocals contacting the town accountant would be a place to start to get the answers you request.
    I think this shows the still lack of management at the TMLWP to not pay the town back when we pay their bills.
    These look like healthe costs and maybe retirement? Just a guess!

    1. Is our good friend John Driscoll going to try to throw the good people the town has working for us, under the bus again?? I am about sick of his public rants about these people, when the Light and Water Departments give nothing to help pay the way. Maybe these departments should stop paying themselves first and take care of business instead. They could also take some money out of some of the funds MMWEC has been holding for them. Lets hope J.D. does not decide to create another "customer charge" to bring in added income to the Light Company so he can pay their bills. Bev.

  3. I was told the bills sent were incorrect from the town treasurer/accountant. If the amounts are not what they should have been there would be no way for them to be apporved to be paid This brings up the question of are the people in place now doing the jobs correctly? Do the town financial team have the issues of the past now under control?
    Anyway the tar job on Otter river road should be complete tomorrow and the town hall tar job also if time permits.
    So lets review, Lower lord rd/club road,"DONE" Orchard lane,"DONE"Rte 101,"DONE"South main end ,"DONE"Lower Otter river road,"DONE" And the list will grow fast soon. This is our Chapter 90 money at work for us repairing our roads and furnishing equipment.

  4. So if my calculator battery is not low the amount the TMLWP now owes the town is 439,306.00. Looking at the dates of the bills it would tend to make me think the bills were sent to late to be in the 2014 books and are amounts paid by our town funds last year. If so how do you pay bills you don't have the money to pay them with. One option would be lay off every town employee and cut out all spending you can till the end of the fiscal year. If this is what happened i would have to say the money from payments for late last year bills would be extra in this years budget as free cash. If anyone has any input on this please share and let us know more about our towns financial position.

  5. Can they not afford to pay their bills due to the infrustructure upgrade to welcome the new solar farm to town. Looks like a large investment for us to start out and a long return on our investment in it. This will reflect in our rates sooner then later.
    Has JD called in another rate study yet.
