Monday, September 1, 2014

The facts about Templeton Developmental Center

The facts about Templeton Developmental Center
To The Editor: 8/30/2014

To The Editor:

After reading The Gardner News article title, “Closing of center comes with many questions, few answers for officials” that appeared in Wednesday, Aug. 27 edition of the paper, I feel compelled to offer some facts or insight into some of the concerns noted by our community leaders, public safety officials and concerned townspeople.

Firstly, it is very important to distinguish the difference between state operated group homes and private vendors.

State operated homes are by far superior in regards to staffing, training, safety, recruitment, retention of caregivers and in many other ways — as I’ve seen first hand.

I know of two state operated homes in Templeton and would surmise that of the 89 calls for public safety assistance, at least 85 would have come from private vendors located in town.

Why such a disparity?

As I noted, the running of these homes are vastly different with low paid staff, inferior staff training or back ground checks of potential employees, moreover, these staff tend to stay less in these employment settings and ultimately the client care is not as good.

When a client has a crisis on the Templeton Developmental Center grounds, we are well trained in de-escalating behaviors and almost never require a call to the local police. If we looked back in the past year, I would guess perhaps one or two times maybe at the center — which has had a skeleton Campus Police Department for the last two years — we are well accustomed to resolving matters on grounds with Templeton Developmental Center staff.

Secondly, as the Union President of the center, I am aware that two Templeton Developmental Center employees were approved and earmarked for road maintenance while continuing to work in their current titles. I was made aware recently that the state Department of Capital Asset Management nixed those plans and are instead seeking to have the town of Templeton employees and resources take over that responsibility. As a longtime resident, I am absolutely against this plan, as I feel my tax burden as it already exists is excessive and I could not support another override at this time for that expense or any other.

The Commonwealth needs to step up with a plan in this matter — not dump it onto an already stretched, well documented town budget that needs all the town workers, public safety and fire services we have today.

Lastly, I want to commend those Select Board members who have spoken out against the lack of transparent communication from the Commonwealth, as well as our Legislators who represent us, and their lack of involvement throughout this process. With the state primary and election quickly approaching, I would suspect that may change very soon.

I would ask that these issues noted in The Gardner News article not reflect negatively on our disabled town residents at the center or living in town.

For those of you who know me, trust me when I say they don’t deserve that.

Andrew Stacy
Local 554 Union President
Templeton Developmental Center


  1. As a Union president the statement "i could not support another override at this time for that or any other". You will soon be asked at a special town meeting if you support a override to give town employees a 2% pay increase we have not seen in 3-4 years for some union employees and longer for non union employees. I would venture a guess you would be in favor of an increase if it was for your pocket. By using the word "any" you seem to be closed minded and also against the people who take the business of Templeton safety and service seriously. I would think if we needed a new fire truck you may think differently.I'm sure you are a strong pro union rep. and i commend you for that. The problem i have is when a blanket statement like the word any imply people may be swayed and follow your closed minded way of thinking.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. nothing better to do huffin?
    Thats for you to be clear to post comments.
    But the question today is can "you" do that?

  3. This is not a twitter more like a face book so people know who says what about whom. The fact is the ones who use it don't hide and own what they post for comments. A concept huffy don't get! put your face to it huff.

    1. The real truth is the Town of Templeton does not have the man power to take care of any of the infrastructure that has not been kept up to date, when the State flies the coop. Why should we ?? These people did not pay a penny in taxes, or a PILOT to the town, for 130 years. Their water system is a mess, and their private sewer system is not up to date, so why have they got the balls to come crying to us. My friend Ray Jackson is retiring in October, leaving who to man the fort?? Oh yes, they think our Police force can take over !! Looks like a job for Mr. Brewer to clean up...How about the money to take care of this ?? He managed to give one of the Brookfields enough money, (a small fortune) to dredge out a pond, so cough it up, because the residents of our town have enough to take care of. Bev.

  4. the state own the land so the state police have jurisdiction end of story . just refuse

  5. there lot more going on planing there there fixing the other building and roofing them as well as heating system and septic /
