Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Vote Today


  1. I hope that every citizen of Templeton, who is by the US Constitution, a LEGAL voter, will VOTE today. Even if they vote for our current Rep, Denise Andrews.

    1. Mark, I want to tell you Denise has been the only person willing to help the town with our investigation. Brewer folded like a wet paper bag, standing by the establishment. He did not have to get his hands dirty. All he had to do was walk out the door, walk across the hall and put the paperwork on the AG's desk and tell her to look into the case. Being a new person on the job and standing by us, must have made it harder for Denise to earn the respect of her fellow representatives, but she did it. I have seen her on the job, and she can hold her own and has done good things for the people in this town. We will need all the help we can get, especially if the Templeton Developmental Center keeps trying to dump all of their problems on us. This is a development to watch closely, no pun intended.. This stinks big time ! A water system that needs more help than we can afford to give it. A sewer system that sounds like it is beyond repair, along with a road they now claim is ours. NO no no, we can not maintain their road with the junk equipment Bud has to use. No no no, we do not have the police manpower or equipment to keep their clients in line, or to chase them around the grounds, or into the community. My big question is just when were they going to drop the news on us that they were giving us their responsibility ?? The day after Ray Jackson leaves ?? Our town leaders met with people from the state last week, and pretty much told them that the state has kept cutting our funding, and now they want us to pick up the ball and run !! It will not work !! If I remember right the town has come up short more than once when funding was promised and did not materialise. Until the money is in your hand, just say No !! Bev.
