Monday, October 13, 2014

A Blast from the past - Narragansett energy plan to save money

A blog post back on March 18, 2014 was a copy of a story that appeared in The Gardner News in March 2014. I wrote a comment concerning the wood chip boiler concerning the information put out at that time. I will repost it later in entirety. I wrote on cost of chips and amount of usage along with cost projections on oil and potential savings if any. I wrote "cost of chips = $69.00 per ton with 24 ton per truck load. Several truck loads a week (info from NRHS at the time) of the same size, $69.00 X 24 = $1656.00 per load x 3 (several loads) = $4968.00 per week x 21 weeks (Nov. 1 thru March 31 - MWCC shuts chip boiler down April 1) so $4968.00 x 21 = $104,328.00."

Later, Hank Mason posted (March 20, 2014) "Jeff, your math is sound, however the figures are not. The chips we plan to use are sourced locally, (approx. 30 mi radius) and are priced 28 - 32 a ton(dollars). Additionally the estimated usage is 1000 tons a year. Because of the size of the boiler, it does not require a fireman. We are currently $40,000.00 over budget in our fuel oil account. I note in figures you are using a price of 2.47 for oil. I assume that is a typo, as locally, today's cash price is 3.74 (it was a typo) Another assumption is that we think oil prices will continue to rise over the next 30 years. I urge people to attend the meetings this Saturday to get a more detailed accounting on the plans for the wood chip boiler."

Following this, Huff n Puff commented "of all the statements you could have made coming out of picked that." Later Huff n Puff commented "sorry, I chose to believe the people that have proven they know what they're doing and how to run the business side of their operations, not the ones that make up numbers and still can't balance their books, never mind being on time."

Hopefully, Huff n Puff was not talking on trusting the people who were $40,000.00 over budget on oil. Certainly not the people who said we have to have this article so we can be in operation for opening of school year.

Someone called Not dumb enough to fall for it commented "this from someone who does not have the balls enough to finish his term, great example for all."

Well at least I have the balls to attach my real name to what I write!

Jeffrey Bennett


  1. It may not be a bad idea for our school cheerleaders/door to door fund raiserrs to obtain a wood chipper. As returnables are collected door to door residents can have piles of their brush chipped and hauled away to help keep costs down at our schools. This idea wood appear to be a win win situation!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Huff still does not have the conviction nor the moxie to write under his/her real name while trying to slide in a comment close to midnight.
