Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Amidst investigation, town appoints new collector
Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

HUBBARDSTON - The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved the appointment of a new full-time tax collector during their meeting Monday night to replace Treasurer and acting-Tax Collector Kristen Noel.

Kori Stuart, who has been serving as assistant tax collector, was given the nod from the board at the recommendation of Town Administrator Anita Scheipers, who said Ms. Stuart has been an asset in the office.

“She has all the right background to do the job,” Ms. Sheipers told selectmen. “She’s been learning it very quickly.”

“She’s a sharp cookie.” Selectman David Simmerer said in agreement.

With Ms. Stuart taking the reins, Ms. Noel will return to her duties as the town’s full-time treasurer; however Ms. Scheipers left open the possibility of Ms. Noel remaining in the collector office.

“We may appoint her (Ms. Noel) to be the assistant tax collector so she can be a resource to Ms. Stuart as she continues to learn the job,” Ms. Scheipers explained.

Ms. Scheipers added that, while the option had been brought up, permanently combining the tax collector and treasurer offices into a treasurer/collector position would not be the best option for the town at this time.

“We can evaluate in a few years to see where we stand and whether it makes sense at a future date to combine those positions,” she said.

The Worcester County District Attorney’s office is currently investigating operations undertaken by the town’s previous full-time Tax Collector, Cynthia Washburn-Doane, who resigned from her position in late May after working for the town for 25 years.

According to Ms. Scheipers, several red flags were raised by the town’s independent auditing firm during their review of the Fiscal Year 2012 financial records – most notably the town’s tumbling tax collection rate.

While a municipality may average about a 98 percent collection rate, Hubbardston’s rate fell from 90 percent in FY12 to about 87 percent in FY13 – prompting town officials to turn the matter over to the DA’s office. Full audits of the FY13 and FY14 financial records are still ongoing, along with the DA’s investigation.

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