Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola update

Ebola update

There will be a conference call hosted by DPH AND MEMA FOR MUNICIPAL LEADERS ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 AT 3:00 PM.

Ebola preparedness information is available HERE.
This Department of public health website has information regarding Ebola protocols including this screening tool:


  1. Anyone see any potential problems with this screening questionnaire? Check out the date - August 29, 2014. Today is October 16th....makes me wonder about a lot of things.

    Is the person doing this screening wearing PPE?

    How about the second nurse from Dallas? The one who flew on a commercial flight AFTER contacting the CDC?

    Before the Monday flight, Vinson, who had been self-monitoring and was reporting her temperature to epidemiology teams routinely, had called someone at the CDC to report that she had an elevated temperature of 99.5, the spokesperson said.

    "Vinson was then considered in the category of "uncertain risk", which is a lower level, because it was believed that she had all worn all the necessary personal protective equipment while treating Duncan. This even though fellow Dallas nurse Nina Pham had been diagnosed with Ebola on Saturday. Oct. 11."

    So what happens if a city or town's emergency response personnel encounter someone with Ebola? Are they quarantined for 21 days? So who is left to respond to a fire or medical emergency?

    When will Deval Patrick make a declaration like the one in CT?

    See Suspension of Civil Rights

    Just some thoughts this Thursday morning.

    1. I think the worse that has been done with this issue is to have people with leadership tell the public that ebola is not easy to catch. How can they pass that message when in fact a person covered from head to toe still can come down with it ?? I guess they did not want to panic the public, but they have created more problems as a result. This woman never should have gotten on a air plane and put all of these other people in harms way, especially being a nurse. Like I usually say, It is to bad you can not teach common sense. Bev.
