Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Governor, congressman campaign for incumbent Denise Andrews in Orange

Governor, congressman campaign for incumbent Denise Andrews in Orange

State Rep. Denise Andrews, D-Orange, with Gov. Deval Patrick at her campaign headquarters Monday (JAMES RUSSELL) 

 By James F. Russell CORRESPONDENT

ORANGE — The incumbent Democrat in the two-person race for state representative in the 2nd Franklin District got a boost Monday from Gov. Deval Patrick and U.S. Rep. James McGovern, D-Worcester.

The men stumped for Denise Andrews, D-Orange, during an event at her New Athol Road campaign headquarters on Route 2A.

Republican challenger Susannah M. Whipps Lee, an Athol selectman, is challenging the two-term Democrat. The election is Nov. 4.

Ms. Lee lost to Ms. Andrews in a bitterly fought 2012 race.

Attired in tan pants, casual shoes and a light ski jacket instead of suit and tie, Mr. Patrick lauded Ms. Andrews' skills and her willingness to serve in the often rough-and-tumble world of politics.

"We are incredibly lucky when someone of your depth . . . steps into this line of work — it can be hurtful," the governor said to applause from a vocal cadre of Andrews supporters, volunteers and family members.

"If we want good government, we have to encourage good people," he said. "We want government to reflect the best of who we are."

Mr. McGovern said, "Denise is a problem-solver and a person of enormous courage — she's taken on this pipeline." The congressman's reference was to Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.'s controversial proposal to construct 125 miles of piping to Dracut from the Massachusetts-New York line in Richmond.

If approved, the pipeline would traverse several towns in the 2nd Franklin District. Tennessee Gas is a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, based in Texas. Ms. Andrews has been an outspoken critic and organizer against plan.

"She is not only good, she is superb," Mr. McGovern told the 50 in attendance. "Make sure on Nov. 4 she has an incredibly graphic victory."

Templeton sexagenarians Beverly and Francis Bartolomeo said they attended the event to support Ms. Andrews and see the governor.

"We want to show that we support Denise; she's done a good job," Mrs. Bartolomeo said.

"I wanted to see the governor. I like his message. It was very rewarding to see him," her husband said.

The only scheduled debate between Ms. Andrews and Ms. Lee will take place at the French King Bowling Center in Erving on Saturday, starting at 5 p.m. Kathy Ann Becker, town moderator in Wendell, will be moderator.

In addition to urging on Andrews supporters, the Patrick and McGovern speeches promoted Attorney General Martha Coakley's gubernatorial bid. She is locked in a tight race with Republican Charles Baker.

The 2nd Franklin District includes Athol, Orange, Templeton, Erving, Gill, Warwick, New Salem, Petersham, Royalston, Wendell and Precinct A of Belchertown.


  1. Representative Andrews was the only politician to have the guts to stand with the people of Templeton in regards to their fiscal problems created by the "Big Cats" at the State level. When Templeton voters agreed to have the 252 Baldwinville Rd,The WWTP contract,Casella and Ch 93 Acts of 2000 investigated Andrews did her job and brought it before the Senate Investigation Committee. It is my opinion that in most instances Democrats or Republicans are in the pockets of Big Corporations due to the political contributions and power these corporations have, that includes the newspapers. She has my vote this time around.

  2. I support Denise Andrews. She has been an advocate for Templeton. She has worked to further economic development in the district.

    Nice job Bev and Bart! I'm glad you could attend.

    1. It was a wonderful event, having Governor Patrick and Senator Mc.Govern come to support Denise. It was a visit that was not hurried like some of these things can be. The only thing missing was the sun, but the mood was so upbeat, it did not really matter. Denise has worked very hard for the people in our town. The Seniors are riding in style, because she helped them get their van for small dollars. I know she has been working to see if there is a way to get help with the Senior Center. Any funding that will take the load off the backs of the tax payer, will be more than welcome. Denise has supported us, so I feel it is time for the voters in Templeton to support her. Bev.
