Monday, October 20, 2014

Meetings Week of October 20, 2014

Meetings Week of October 20, 2014

Monday 10/20/14
BOS                             Kamaloht                  6:30 pm
Conservation                 4 Elm St                  7:00 pm

Tuesday 10/21/14
Town Clerk (Ballot testing)                           8:00 am
MART                           Fitchburg                10:30 am
Veterans                        3 Central St               6:30 pm
Planning                       Scout Hall                  6:30 pm

Wednesday 10/22/14
Adv Board                      KIVA**                      6:00 pm
ZBA                                Scout Hall                  6:15 pm

Thursday 10/23/14
Sr. Center                        Bridge St                  6:30 pm

1 comment:

  1. The Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday is the pre town meeting and is being held in Kiva, not Scout Hall.
