Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tax Title Lien Auction

Tax Title Lien Auction

A Tax Title Lien Auction is being held on November 5, 2014, at noon, at Kamaloht, 1 North Main Street, East Templeton. Pre-registration is required.

Tax bills are due November 3, 2014


  1. In my opinion, A Tax Title Lien Auction is a necessary evil. The Town of Templeton has over $800,000 dollars in unpaid taxes owed.

    In a perfect world, if everyone paid their taxes in a timely manner, the need for overrides would be reduced. Collecting back taxes owed to the Town is a necessary step to getting Templeton back on track.

    It is not fair to the vast majority of people who do pay their taxes in a timely manner to subsidize those who not pay their taxes and have not paid their taxes for many years.

    The Tax Title Lien Auction is a necessary step toward good local governance.

  2. I understand how hard it may be for some people to make ends meet, but one of the rules we have to live by is to pay our fair share. For many years the people in Templeton got off easy. Money from free cash, money donated by the Templeton Municipal Light, the Lottery funds, and any extra extra money sitting in a account, not needed that year was used to balance the budget. It became a sin to ask the people in this town to pay their way. I really think selectmen were afraid to bring anything to the table if it was going to cost money, because they felt it would cost them their job. Some people will not vote for a article if they are not going to benefit from it. People who are new to town will stay at town meeting just long enough to vote for what they want, then leave. It is usually the school budget, leaving the rest of the articles to be dealt with by the older people in town. This has to stop. If you live in the town of Templeton, you need to invest in your community, because sooner or later you may find that you need it's other services. I have seen a big improvement in the younger people investing in the things that go on and that is good. The town belongs to us all, and running it to be the best town it can be is something we all can be a part of. When articles come up for discussion people need to ask themselves not if it is going to be good for them, but instead will it be good for our town. I can have differences with someone over if a article is good or not, and I have no problem with that, as long as I feel we both have the goal of making the town stronger as a result. Bev.
