Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The sun has to set on our Town Manager

The sun has to set on our Town Manager
To the Editor: 10/9/2014

To the Editor:

After the events of the last couple of weeks, I am compelled to write this letter.

As a casual observer of town politics for over a decade, it is my opinion that the compensation package for the town manager position in the town of Winchendon has to have a dollar value that can only go so high.

Unfortunately, I believe that figure has not only gone above that ceiling, but through the roof as well.

We have to understand that this salary and benefit package is paid by the taxpayers in this community.

Our Select Board has to remember that the town of Winchendon is not a Fortune 500 company. We are a small town that is far from affluent.

Whether you like or dislike the town manager — or agree or disagree with his job performance — I feel the sun has set on his days in Winchendon.

We can no longer compensate him for his services.

The five year contract he negotiated in 2010 was unrealistic. One can only wonder what he will ask for this time around.

It reminds me of the Boston Red Sox when they parted ways with Manny Ramirez. It seemed like a good fit for a number of years, but at some point the high salary and distractions were no longer worth keeping him around.

At what point do we say enough is enough?

Jim Robichaud


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