Saturday, October 4, 2014

Town Offices Closed for Relocation

Town Offices Closed for Relocation


The Town of Templeton Assessors Office and Inspectional Service Department (Board of Health & Building Department) will be closed the week of Oct. 6 to 10, as we will be relocating in the new town office building at 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton. 

The Assessors Office is scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, Oct. 14th with a new phone number is 978-894-2760 

Inspectional Services Office will reopen on Oct. 20 and can be reached at 978-894-2770.  Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you and see you in our new locations!


  1. Moving into a 90 year old building that is functional and affordable. A very good use of a town asset with the benefit of centrally locating most town services. Which makes very easy to see who's in and who is not, another benefit to taxpayers. Now is the time to support the employees of the town who have stood with the town thru some tough times.

    1. I am glad that the people in our Town of Templeton finally made the right call to use this beautiful building to house a great number of boards. Thankfully people could see beyond the dire warnings of "mold" "mold", and "it is too small" and finally made the right decision. I sincerely hope the voters in our town will remember who carried the torch for 252, that put us over the edge to near bankruptcy. That was no joke but was it just a part of a plan to ruin the town as the story goes ?? I have heard the story too many times to know it is true, not just a myth. Speaking of 252, I was told that some people want to use the money from the sale of it, to buy things for their departments !! Hell no !! Every cent of that money should go toward the loan. Did people forget that we spent and still owe a small fortune for that mess. There is only one way to rid ourselves of that debt..Pay the bill, even if it is a little at a time, because our debt limit is over the top and will only get worse if we do not attack it for once and for all. I was told something everyone should keep in mind when it comes to a special town meeting in the spring. Pretty much all of the Boards in town had agreed to cut back on expenses, but it seems the Board of Health did not feel the need to go along with the plan. It seems that Board has decided to give increase the hours of the Health Director to 20, making him able to receive benefits along with his five weeks vacation time. This move means that the money that the Town Meeting approved will be gone long before it would have been, if they had not ditched the town approved plan. So you may wonder how they plan to get through the rest of the year ? Well I guess that they have that covered. It seems this board plans to transfer the money from the money left in their Administrative Assistant's account. The Board of Health has a lot of power, and they can actually pass laws, but they still have to go to the people for money, so we will be seeing them to approve this diversion from the plan every other Board had to follow. Any extra money in accounts at the end of the year is supposed to go back to the town, so it looks like there will be none from these people. The thing people might ask is what in the word is this guy doing in his 20 hours a week, and how does he manage to cover the other four towns on a part time basis ?? Where is it written in stone that we should provide retirement benefits to someone when he is working in four other towns ?? Am I picking on this guy ?? Absolutely not !! Am I unhappy with the members of the BOH ? Yes I am. I know a couple of other boards that need help, but did not walk all over the Town Meeting vote like it does not matter. For the BOH, it may come out in the wash this spring. Bev.

  2. With the BOH being closed for the week it is comforting to know if information is needed on health matters our CDC has things under control. An example of this can be found by clicking the blue link. Ebola

  3. what about the town clerk ??

  4. Mike-
    The Town Clerk will move over after we figure out what to do about the vault.
