Saturday, October 11, 2014

Update on School Wood Chip Boiler

Selectman Brooks writes on facebook on September 19 "we have a propane heater for hot water  and we are in the process of installing a propane boiler that will have the ability to heat the entire building. Contractors have guaranteed the boiler will be up and running no later than October 3. Until then, the building will be cold in the am and warm up during the day." Lets hope those cold mornings did not impede the learning environment.

After inquiring to the school with  two different sources, I was told the propane boiler went on line on Thursday, October 9. The old oil fired boilers have been taken out and after some permits, the removal of the old oil tank is scheduled to begin next week. Completion date for the wood chip boiler is suppose to be January 2015. We will have to wait to see what if any savings occur this winter.

Massachusetts General Law c149, section 113 says basically that any building in which a person is employed, other than a building under construction, shall be properly heated during the period from October 15 to May 15.

Jeff Bennett


  1. Department of Labor bulletin # 382 states the minimum temperature for a school is 66 - 68 degrees

  2. Ca Ching, ca ching, that is our money going up in smoke. The whole sale price for oil was 2.54 a gal. yesterday, and is still going down. Lets hope this is not a big mistake, ditching the oil burner. Time will tell and as with everything else, it will come out in the wash or then again, it will go up in smoke. Bev.

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