Sunday, October 19, 2014

Winchendon gives manager new contract despite huge deficit

Winchendon gives manager new contract despite huge deficit

WINCHENDON — Town Manager James M. Kreidler has been given a new three-year contract. The decision by selectmen came Wednesday after an executive session.

Mr. Kreidler said Friday that the four members of the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the new contract which would extend his current contract, which is up in June. He said the contract comes with a pay cut of 3 percent in the first year and no raises over the next two years. The pay cut would reduce Mr. Kreidler's base salary from $126,371 to $122,580.

The town manager said he requested the cut be made out of fairness because he is requesting town employees to forgo the 3 percent raise they received beginning July 1. He said the raise would be called back only for future pay checks, not retroactively.

The new contract was agreed to in executive session and then ratified in open session. It followed a 3-2 vote by selectmen to rescind an earlier vote made in September to ask Mr. Kreidler to resign. After the vote to rescind the vote was made, Selectman Jackson Blair resigned. He did not take part in the vote for a new contract.

The meeting was held Wednesday night to discuss the town's budget deficit, which the state puts at $5.7 million. It is not clear how the deficit occurred. The state has informed the town it does not have enough money to pay its bills and has advanced the town local aid money to meet its payroll.

Contact George Barnes at Follow him on Twitter @georgebarnesTG

1 comment:

  1. So the town workers got a 3% pay raise and now don't get the 3% pay raise. Do the school workers also forgo any raises and how does the town get to a balanced budget without pay cuts,large pay cuts?
    Without health insurance in the budget it will show a larger gap for being balanced when they look for normal health insurances. They should have known the gamble they were in,with insurance you have the assurance your not in a gamble.
