Thursday, October 23, 2014

Winchendon needs to address land issue

Winchendon needs to address land issue
To the Editor: 10/23/2014

To the Editor:

In June, I was instructed by Winchendon’s Town Counsel Kopelman and Paige that I had to sue the town if I wanted a meeting.

Before Winchendon had a Town Manager, I informed the Assessor that my property records and some of my neighbors’ were incorrect and not up-to-date. That assessor contacted the state Department of Revenue and my property assessment got corrected and increased accordingly.

At a later date, I became an owner of record again, but this time the new assessor refused to make any corrections.

Instead of contacting the state department of revenue, the town manager got involved and chose to consult with the town counsel, which instructed me to sue the town at that time.

“Please be advised that the board is well aware of your concerns regarding the subject properties,” wrote town counsel. “Should you continue to desire to resolve ownership issues regarding the property, you may wish to consult with counsel of your choosing ... The board will not be taking further action on this matter.”

I enjoy the town of Winchendon and am reluctant to sue at this time, but I do have a question. Why does the Board of Selectmen allow the town manager to choose the loss of property taxes and thousands more in legal fees instead of choosing to correct the records and collect the taxes due?

If any selectmen, or anyone else who has questions and wants to view the documents, or can answer my questions, please contact me at 978-632-6768.

Michael P. Szoc


  1. It seems to me, it is time for the Town of Winchendon to rid themselves of their Town Counsel. They should join the number of towns that did and are doing just fine. Just my opinion. Bev.

  2. This story sounds like the town counsel wants to do more work and this is one way to get it.If they sue the K+P team gets to bill bill bill!
    We in Templeton know what thats about, Just look at the bills we get through our light department.
