Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Special Town Meeting Presentation



  1. Article 7 is to transfer money to pay the Board of Health Agent. Now it was my understanding that everyone agreed to get along as best they could, even though it has been hard, and in good faith they did just that. After the results of last night, the voters told everyone how they felt, even though I do not agree, how can anyone approve this article ? The BOH walked all over a town meeting vote, even though the rest of the boards did what they agreed to. What was so pressing that they needed the Agent to cover ? This is going to be interesting. Bev.

  2. I was going to raise the very issue set forth before me , Which no one entertain the contrast of hours which was given ,its an integrity issue of truth ? You see someone was misinformed or misleading , was there 20 hr? week or 19 hr week , was there benefits or not records would show this , the town administrator states the BOH agent was accountable for 20 hr a week had benefits Yet the agent claim the limit of 19hr was present and agent was refuse benefits due to the hours then retirement was weaved as credit the agent would received such benefits so now is there 21 ? or more , . Never the less who can live on 20 hr week ? will any issue be address or left waiting due to hours now I say yes , is it money ? or whatever ?

  3. so whats up with moderator??/ Not recognizing a citizen who rises to speak , , what is there measure to come
    he is not king is there a preciseness to this act ? Is it really a skillful right by the moderator to prohibit without reason anyone who comes to want to speak ? should there then be acting taken thereafter since being prohibit is lost and a taking of civil rights ? still thinking it over ?

    1. What you could not see from your perspective was a person who was walking down the aisle to speak BEFORE you got up and took the microphone. The moderator has the right to recognize whomever the moderator so chooses. The Moderator's job is to make those decisions and keep order during the meeting.

      I believe the moderator was willing to recognize YOUR right to speak AFTER the gentleman who was walking toward the microphone.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The BOH agent's hours were reduced BY A VOTE OF TOWN MEETING in MAY. Substitute motions were made and DEFEATED at that time.

    So from July 1, 2014- the beginning of the new fiscal year- FY 15 . The BOH agent SHOULD have been working 19 hours per week...ACCORDING TO VOTE TAKEN AT TOWN MEETING IN MAY.

    The BOH decided to allow the BOH agent to work 20 hours per week since the beginning of this fiscal year (July1, 2014). This decision is in violation of the vote taken by those in attendance at the May Annual town meeting.

    At that same May Annual Town meeting the town was instructed to adopt special legislation one section reads as follows:

    SECTION 4. No official of the town of Templeton, except in the case of an emergency involving the health and safety of the people or their property, shall knowingly expend or cause to be expended in any fiscal year any sum in excess of that official's departmental or other governmental unit's appropriation duly made in accordance with the law, nor commit the town, nor cause it to be committed, to any obligation for the future payment of money in excess of that appropriation, with the exception of court judgments.

    Any official who intentionally violates this section shall be personally liable to the town for any amounts expended in excess of an appropriation to the extent that the town does not recover these amounts from the person or persons to whom the amounts were paid. The superior court or a single justice of the supreme judicial court shall have jurisdiction to adjudicate claims brought by the town, or the attorney general, under this act and to order relief that the court finds appropriate to prevent further violations of this section. Any violation of this section shall be considered sufficient cause for removal.

    In my opinion, the vote taken at the STM November 5, 2014 Article 8 "fixes" the issue created when the BOH violated the vote taken by those citizens at the May Annual Town meeting.
