Friday, December 12, 2014

Quabbin school district may join legal action if funds cut

Quabbin school district may join legal action if funds cut

BARRE — Quabbin Regional School district officials are concerned that regional transportation cuts Gov. Deval Patrick wants to make will result in a $300,000 deficit in their busing account — and the superintendent said legal action is one option.

At Thursday's Quabbin Regional School Committee meeting, Superintendent Maureen M. Marshall said that if those cuts take effect, a lawsuit is an option being considered by regional schools.

She told the committee that the Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools is organizing the potential legal action and that Quabbin would have to pitch in $500 as its share — should the suit go forward.

Board Chairman Mark Brophy called the regional school transportation cuts the governor is considering "frustrating" and "outrageous."

Ms. Marshall said that the Patrick administration does not understand what this means to regional school districts.

She said state law requires any cuts to regional transportation to be matched by cuts to Chapter 70 school aid — and that no reductions to the Chapter 70 program are under consideration.

Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree and Oakham comprise the Quabbin school district.


  1. Interesting concept.

    Sue the state for money that was originally intended to be returned to the cities and towns that are members of a regional school district.

    Why not just use the "nuclear option" and completely eviscerate all municipalities' operating budgets?

  2. Replies
    1. I recently had a few minutes to sit down with our Town Administrator Mr. Marcle. I asked him to do me a favor and speak to our town council and ask him if we needed to go to Town Meeting after the famous NO votes at the poles. He told me that he could answer me that very minute. Guess what ?? No, we did not have to vote on the question that was answered by the people of this town when they voted. So why did we ?? I have no dam clue, but I know we will not do that again if I can help it !! This just boggles my mind that we undid what A MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE VOTED FOR !! Ruth was acting ruthless, and that is not alright. Granted she has the schools to work for, but it would seem to me it would be in her best interest to work with the town and understand "you can't get blood from a stone". A day of reckoning will come soon when she finally asks the people of this town if they will fund a school. The fact that she has avoided doing this like the plague, has not been missed by plenty of town folk. It does seem to me that is the first thing that she should have asked, not the last. It will come out in the wash. Puffy, if you work with Dave you could have your comments to my opinion in black and white, for everyone to read, but until then ZAP, your gone. Bev.
