Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Remembering 2014

Remembering 2014

Rest in Peace, Pauly. Rest in Peace.

Remembering Pauly for starting this blog to right the wrongs in Templeton.

Thank you!




  1. I believe that Pauly came to see the main stream media as a place where truth was often missing. Pauly's Templeton Watch seemed to help fulfill Pauly's wish for an avenue where truth could have a chance. Here is what five billion dollars of our tax money has gotten us in the Ukraine; Ukraine Thanks Pauly for the chance to get the truth out there.

  2. Thank you Pauly for this blog.

    We've lost too many people in 2014.

    I remember Mark Kasper working on the senior center site during his vacation. I told him he was crazy! Not really a proper thank you. Gone too soon.

    Rob Hubbard. Gone too soon.

    Bob Sans. Gone too soon.

    1. Every person the town has lost, contributed something special to the welfare of the town we live in. Don't forget Charlie Perkins, a character in his own right, but loyal to doing whatever he could to make our town a better place to live. Pauly did not live a life of luxury growing up, but he was a self made man. He knew what a few pennies added up to in the end, one dollar or a hundred dollars. He appreciated the people who felt the same way, and would fight when he knew money was not going where it was supposed to go. Pauly believed in fair play and was down right mad when he felt people were doing wrong and getting away with it. Pauly did not right all of the wrongs, but he made it more and more difficult for wrong doings to continue. Thank you to Pauly and the rest of those who work to make this Town of Templeton a better place to live. You have my gratitude, Bev.
