Tuesday, December 16, 2014

School Committee Meeting

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

KIVA @ 6:30 PM

On the agenda;  bids for dump truck and surplus truck bids

Update on wood chip boiler project

On a side note, the property at 411 Baldwinville Road is 23 acres and is assessed @ $407,800.00 and the property tax for FY14 = $6,600.00.  It is important to note that the assessed value is different from an appraised value. According to The Gardner News, the asking price is $750,000.00. I believe that works out to $32,608.69 per acre.  


  1. How did Huhtala Oil end up with the old water dept. truck, don't they have to go out to bid?

  2. Have to ask Dana that as they seem to consider themselves separate from the town until they need the town as in the town'si federal tax ID # or if they have retirement or health insurance or if the old w-2 is not right. Don't worry, they do things right over there

    1. Gee, it is too bad the land near the high school, was ignored when you could buy land for 1,000,00 a acre in the sixties, and it was not much higher in the seventies. I am pretty sure most of the land close to the school was not developed, when the Building Committee started hunting for a place to build a new school, so someone did not do their job. As a result we will pay dearly. Bev.
