Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Foundation Budget Review Commission

  Foundation Budget Review Commission 

from the MTA

Foundation Budget Review Commission Hearing:

Central Mass
Nashoba Regional High School Auditorium
12 Green Road, Bolton MA

Jan. 24
11 a.m.

This is what computers looked like in 1993, when the state's formula for distributing aid to local school districts was established as part of the Education Reform Act.

Since that time, the foundation budget — the centerpiece of the funding formula — has not been systemically re-examined in light of state curriculum frameworks, MCAS and other key elements of the 1993 law.

This fall and winter, the Foundation Budget Review Commission – a panel of legislators, state administrators, educators and business leaders − is taking testimony as it assesses the appropriate level of funding for K-12 public education. MTA President Barbara Madeloni is a member of the commission.

Be heard! This is an opportunity for teachers and school staff [ and community members] to let the commission know what your working conditions are like and how to improve them. After all, your working conditions are your students’ learning conditions.

What is the foundation budget?

Each school district has a “foundation budget,” which is the amount of money deemed necessary to provide an adequate education to every student. The Foundation Budget Review Commission, or FBRC, is evaluating the way in which foundation budgets are determined. The long-overdue review, among other things, will shape state aid to cities and towns for education — known as Chapter 70 funds.

Reviving the commission was a top legislative priority of the MTA.

Can’t attend a hearing? The commission is also accepting written testimony, which can be sent to

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