Friday, January 16, 2015

Intermunicipal agreement

I also have a copy of the agreement as well as the email and I will post in its entirety. It is dated and signed by the school committee and Templeton BOS on January 25, 2010.

It states in part; Financing the project: The district authorizes the Town to act on its behalf and exercise all of its legal powers and duties with respect to the financing of the project and the issuance of bonds and notes therefor. The town shall incur its own general obligation indebtedness in order to finance all costs of the project. Within such amounts appropriated by the Town to pay costs of the project, the district shall obtain all necessary professional and other services necessary to carrying out the project and shall oversee all aspects thereof. The Town shall pay all costs of the project. All amounts payable on account of principle and interest on any bonds or notes issued by the Town to finance the project shall be paid directly by the Town to the paying agent of any such bonds orr notes. The district shall not be liable for the repayment of any debt issued by the Town to finance the cost of the project. Any and all school building assistance grants paid by the MSBA to the district on account of the project, pursuant to chapter70B of the general laws, as amended, or pursuant to any other authority, shall be paid by the district to the Town and then applied by the Town to reduce the amounts borrowed by the Town on account of the project.

Record Keeping: As required by section4A, the Town and the district shall maintain accurate and comprehensive records of services performed, costs incurred and reimbursements and contributions received on account of the project; shall provide for the performance of regular audits of such records; and shall provide periodic financial statements with respect to project expenditures.

So if memory serves me, as well as English, that means there should be comprehensive records as in detailed accurate accounting of monies spent and what it was spent on and it should be readily available and it should not take two weeks to obtain! Hope you can understand English huff as you or anyone else should be able to walk into the Town office or the district office during normal business hours and view these records!

Jeff Bennett

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