Saturday, January 3, 2015

Once AGAIN! Let's Wait 'Til Someone Gets Killed!

Let's Wait 'Til Someone Gets Killed!
These images were taken earlier this year. Now the Ice Dam flowing from the fire hydrant is a pinkish/red color. Antifreeze from the fire hydrant perhaps?

It's getting colder out there. Spotted this by Lee's Hot Dog Stand on Rt 68 S
Where's the water coming from? 

Could the water be coming from the hydrant? It doesn't look icy uphill from the hydrant. Even in Templeton, water still flows downhill.

Oh! Look! A car driving in the opposite lane to avoid the large ice dam.

Guess the TMLWD Water Department is going to wait until someone gets killed before dealing with this issue.

[Good thing it's going to warm up on Monday. Today isn't Monday.  posted 11/22/14]

1 comment:

  1. This is not the least bit funny !! Don't tell me the Water Dept. does not know their hydrant is leaking antifreeze and water all over the road?? It would have been a lot easier to fix this mess when the weather was warmer, so as Pauly would have said - Where are you dummies ?? Do the job the hard working people in this town pay you to do !! And do it right...
