Sunday, January 11, 2015

Rutland ends negotiations with town administrator candidate

Rutland ends negotiations with town administrator candidate

By Sandy Meindersma CORRESPONDENT

RUTLAND — The Board of Selectmen and town administrator candidate Dennis Luttrell have broken off contract negotiations after a closed-door session Thursday.

Michael Pantos, chairman of the board of selectmen, said the board negotiated with Mr. Luttrell via conference call, but ultimately could not come to an agreement over money.

"We had a great candidate, but we could not come to terms on dollars," Mr. Pantos said.

Mr. Luttrell would have been the town's first town administrator had negotiations been successful.

He was the unanimous choice of the board of selectmen, who interviewed four finalists prescreened by the Edward J. Collins Center for Public Management.

Mr. Luttrell, of Marion, was the town administrator of Somerset for the last four years, until his contract was not renewed. His salary in Somerset was $108,000.

According to Rutland Selectman Joseph Becker, the town budgeted $46,900 for fiscal 2015 for the town administrator's salary position, anticipating an annual salary of $93,800.

Mr. Pantos said that Rutland's salary is competitive with other Central Massachusetts towns of similar size.

The board of selectmen will hold a special meeting Jan. 12 with a representative from the Collins Center to discuss the next steps in the process of hiring a town administrator.

"I hope the second round brings us the right candidate," Mr. Pantos said. "I'm disappointed that this opportunity did not work out." 

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